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Don't miss it! Evidence-based healing effects of ginger

Apart from well-known taste and uses of ginger as a popular spice, we also appreciate ginger tea for weight loss. It is also used for cosmetic purposes. Useful and medicinal properties of ginger are known to us from the ancient times, so it is not difficult to find ginger in the shops now. Do you know all healing effects of ginger? Read to learn about evidence-based benefits of ginger.

Ginger root

Ginger roots are used as a remedy from various diseases. Regular intake of ginger root stimulates cerebral circulation, improves memory and attention, which is especially important to employees who are involved in intellectual labor.

Best supplement or ginger’s seasoning

The use of ginger root as a seasoning in cooking has a positive effect on the digestive function, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, improves blood circulation. It is recommended to be added in fatty foods, seasoning promotes better digestion and breakdown of fats. Amino acids, contained in the composition of ginger, accelerate the flow of metabolic processes.

Seasoning with ginger shoud be used in baking cakes, muffins, cupcakes. It is used in the production of kvass, cordials, liqueurs, wine. The spice enhances the aroma of tea, ginger extract is used in brewing beer. Meat dishes made from beef, pork, lamb, acquire a special flavor. The spice is used in sausage products, in the manufacture of cheese, dishes made of vegetables, noodles, rice, mushrooms, various salads. You can put it in meat and vegetable soups, poultry broth, porridge. Seasoning is widely used in the manufacture of ketchups and sauces. Ginger seasoning contains several varieties of ginger essential oils that give us characteristic aroma and resinous substances, so-called source of gingerol or burning taste.

healing effects ginger

Evidence-based importance of ginger in worldwide cuisines

Spice is an important element of Indian and Asian cuisine. It tones, gives the dish characteristic aroma and taste. Ancient Greeks added it to bread. People in Medieval Europe used ginger to flavor vegetable and meat dishes, liqueurs and cordials. In order to enhance ginger’s taste, it is often mixed with nutmeg, cardamom, honey or lemon.

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Health benefits of the ginger plant

Ginger contains vitamins A, B, C, lots of minerals, such as: magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus. With regular use, you will see all the useful properties of ginger and its particular beneficial effect on the digestive system, as it can prevent gastric ulcer.

Spicy and tart taste of ginger is the result of the presence of 1-3% of essential oil. In addition, there is about 70 % of ginger zingiber (or ginger zingiber officinale), about 4 % of starch, 1.5% of gingerol. Sharp-spicy taste of ginger is due to the substance – gingerol.

Effects of ginger

100 grams of ginger root contains 5 milligrams of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), 415 milligrams of potassium, 43 milligrams of magnesium, 16 milligram of calcium.

It enhances cerebral blood circulation, increases the activity of the thyroid gland in the process of producing hormones. Ginger health benefits in the treatment of various diseases have already been proven, this way the ginger extract is used for homeopathic purposes and in manufacture of various medicines.

Benefits of ginger help in treatment of the following diseases:

  • flatulence;
  • spasms of the stomach;
  • diarrhoea;
  • food poisoning, including poisonings by mushrooms;
  • incomplete digestion of food (ginger helps to get rid of accumulation of harmful substances in the intestine, which pollute and poison the body and become a source of various diseases);
  • parasites, ginger is used to prevent worm infestation. In Japan, this condiment is usually served with dishes made of fresh fish;
  • various diseases of the oral cavity, it is recommended to chew ginger root for a long time. It freshens breath and kills germs;
  • allergic reactions, skin diseases, increased levels of cholesterol;
  • risk of blood clots, deterioration of the healthy state of the vessels;
  • weakened immunity;
  • painful sensations in diseases of joints, and swelling, pain in muscles;
  • infertility, especially women infertility;
  • postoperative treatment;
  • cramps during menstruation.

As a rule, we apply to the infusion of ginger root to improve appetite and stimulate digestion in stomach.

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Ginger is very often used for the treatment of osteoarthritis, he fights against destruction of cartilage, helps reduce inflammation of the joints, strengthens bones.

GINGER and lemon

Ginger and nausea vomiting

In addition, it effectively distracts you from the surrounding atmosphere, so it is suitable for people with motion sickness. You should use the following recipe: take 1/2 tsp of

ginger powder with tea or water for some time before the trip to avoid motion sickness and the risk of nausea.

Ginger treatment of pain in joints

When applied externally, ginger is useful for pain in the joints and back. In case you suffer from such a pain, you need to put compress with ginger.

The recipe is simple:

  • 1 tbsp of powdered ginger root mixed with 1/2 tsp of chili pepper;
  • 1 tsp of turmeric;
  • warm water;

The substance is applied to the fabric, which is placed on the sore spot.

If you have aching joints, instead of water you need to add vegetable oil, after applying it should be properly rubbed.

healing effects of ginger

Daily ginger supplement as organically grown ginger

Ginger oil has a calming effect, it helps in relieving inflammation and pain, increases immunity, helps in the treatment of colds. It is often used as aromatherapy for treatment of various psycho-emotional disorders. The plant benefits are vividly seen when adding it to the bath, this water treatment will help you to get rid of fatigue. To prepare the broth with a liter of boiling water you need:

Pour 2-3 tbsp of powdered ginger root with one liter of boiling water, and then minimize the heat for 15 minutes, after this – pour into the bath. Ginger bath can provide you with effective relax and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to get rid of a cold. Upon completion you need to rub yourself with a towel and cover the body with a blanket. Very soon you can go to bed and sleep, you will wake up and feel yourself as perfectly healthy person.

Ginger for colds and sore throat

When used at home, particularly useful properties of ginger are expectorant and diaphoretic effect. Ginger root is often used in cases of colds during epidemics of flu, sinusitis, sore throat. For the prevention and treatment of colds, the spice is beneficial even to children.

The Chinese used the following recipe: finely cut the root, is sprinkled with sugar and cooked on a low heat for 20 minutes. The pieces of ginger are eaten, and the syrup is added to tea. Ginger syrup is recommended to take at the first sign of the disease, when you started coughing and sneezing. If you don’t want to cook the syrup or have no time, you can put a small piece of ginger under the tongue and endure the peak of flavor. After about fifteen minutes, thoroughly chew ginger slice.

HEALTHY effects of ginger

Ginger juice is believed to be as effective as sliced ginger if you want to fight colds, you can add a dash of salt. It is accepted in small amounts for half an hour before meals. A remedy is particularly effective in case of diseases of the throat.

Recipe of tea with ginger, lemon and honey for cold curing

You need to wash the root and remove it from the peel, use some fine grater to process about 1 cm of flesh. If you don’t want to rub ginger supplementation, you are to slice it into thin strips. Pour it with boiling water. It turns out to be sweet and tart drink, where it is useful to add lemon. To enhance ginger medicinal properties it is better to drink it with honey.


The use of ginger juice in cosmetology

You can consume ginger as a pain reliever. This raw ginger is to be applied to the affected area. Useful properties of ginger juice promote rapid healing of ulcers and sores. If you keep a cotton swab soaked in juice on the damaged skin area, the wound will heal much faster. Lotion, prepared from a mixture of ginger juice with water is used as effective remedy against acne. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

Ginger’s connection with cancer treatment

Cancer is one of the diseases which can be cured with fresh ginger. This is true because ginger has anti-carcinogenic properties.

It is advised to mix ginger and honey, you should take 2-3 tbsp of this mixture every day. Use wooden spoon!

So, now you know that ginger is really beneficial for your health and can help you in curing lots of diseases – from the simplest discomfort to some serious illness. Just use it properly according to the recipes given above. Although, bear in mind that you can’t avoid other medicines and medical advice, self-treatment can be dangerous to your health. Ginger is better used as an additional component in fighting with some diseases, especially serious. Be healthy!

READ ALSO: What are benefits of ginger tea for weight loss?



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