Do you know anything about lemon and pregnancy connection? See if you can eat lemon during pregnancy and study the cases when lemon during pregnancy can be harmful for your health.
Mothers who are expecting a baby try to make their meals nutritious, so that the baby receives all the nutrients it needs. However, the question is how to get these nutrients, if many useful products are not suitable for an unborn child? For example, some reliable and familiar sources of vitamins, one of which is lemon.
Can a pregnant woman take lemon and what is the harm?
Lemon contains many acids and vitamins, but mainly it is a source of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), so pregnancy is not a reason to indulge in a slice of lemon or other products with its content. It is necessary for consumption if you want to maintain your blood vessels, immune system and connective tissue in good condition.
Lemon and pregnancy: benefits and drawbacks
A good remedy for a cold
It is very important that the lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, which in early stages of pregnancy can help to resist cold and flu. It is well known that medicines for pregnant women are highly undesirable, so the lemon can be a good tool in the prevention and treatment of cold.
Heartburn and lemon
During pregnancy, the muscle tone that compresses the entrance of the stomach decreases, so it changes the position of the stomach, as it “restricts” growing uterus. As a result, many pregnant women may suffer from heartburn, and in this case it is worth considering if it is possible to eat lemon during pregnancy.
It is known that in some cases lemon can help with avoiding heartburn, which, unfortunately, becomes a frequent companion of pregnant women, because the lemon is able to reduce acidity, which becomes the cause of heartburn. However, sometimes lemon triggers heartburn — everything is very individual. In addition, lemon juice can help to deal with constipation, which during pregnancy can become quite frequent.
Lemons for pregnancy nausea
If a future mother has morning sickness and nausea, and in this case lemon can be an ideal helper: you need to chew a slice of lemon before getting out of bed. Another option is lemon water, which is also needed to be drunk in bed.
Fatigue treatment
Lemon copes with the chronic fatigue syndrome and stress.
Constipation remedy
Lemon has a positive effect on liver function and helps to overcome constipation. Often this unpleasant phenomenon is accompanying women while expecting a baby. This takes place because the uterus compresses internal organs, slowing down the digestion process and excretion of metabolic products. Use of lemon juice, water with lemon juice acts as a natural laxative.
Eructation remedy
Lemon can help in the case of eructation. If you are suffering from such a phenomenon during pregnancy, regular eating of several slices of lemon will help you to resolve the issue.
Swelling reduction
Tea with lemon is a good helper in swelling avoidance. To do this, pour a few lemon slices with boiling water and let it stand for five minutes.
Pigmentation prevention
Very often, with the onset of pregnancy, on the face of the expectant mother pigmentation occurs. Since the lemon has excellent bleaching properties, then wiping face with a slice of fresh lemon or making masks with lemon juice will help you to eliminate pigmentation.
Fighting weight gain
It happens that a pregnant woman is gaining excess weight while being with a child. In this case, a salad dressing with lemon juice, and not the usual fatty mayonnaise or sour cream, will help to reduce the amount consumed daily calories.
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It is always a right decision to consult with your doctor: she can carefully follow your pregnancy, see the results of all laboratory tests and this way to decide if you can eat lemons.
Is lemon good for pregnancy?
In general, pregnancy is not a reason for a ban on the use of lemon. If you have any health problems, the answer to the question, if it is possible to eat lemon during pregnancy, will be given to you only by your doctor.
Concentrated lemon juice increases the acidity of gastric juice, destroys tooth enamel and can cause allergies for susceptible to it people.
Not a sore throat remedy
In addition, you should not eat lemon, if you have sore throat — lemon juice can cause irritation and increase pain. For sore throat curing, there are other means, including those, which will not cause any harm to mother or child. Still it is better to be careful and try not to catch a cold.
Avoid lemons in case of pancreatitis
It is important to remember that the lemon is contraindicated in case you have pancreatitis.
Hypertension – a sign to avoid lemons
Finally, be very careful with lemon if you suffer from hypertension, because one of the properties of lemons is influence on the blood pressure.
Hypertonic womb as contra-indication
During pregnancy lemon should be eaten in small amounts, especially this is actual for those who are prone to painful reactions to products.
Can a pregnant woman take lemon tea?
Pregnant women are not recommended to drink green tea – it can reduce the level of folic acid in the organism of pregnant women. However, it is advisable to drink black tea with lemon. You can also try to add lemon to white tea. Tea has small amount of caffeine, but a lot of calcium, so it is useful for pregnant women.
Water with lemon during pregnancy
Water with lemon is very useful for pregnant women. It will help to improve kidneys and gastrointestinal tract health. Pregnant women are often concerned about joint and muscle pain, as there is a global restructuring of all organs. Drinking water with lemon during pregnancy will help to cope with this problem. Lemon water during pregnancy can help you stay slender after childbirth. Water with lemon is a source of calcium and magnesium.
What food can replace lemons?
It all depends on the properties of lemon that are particularly important for you. Lemon has much more citric acid than ascorbic one. If you are looking for a source of vitamin C, you can eat raw cabbage, red pepper, spinach, apples, onions, herbs, strawberries, kiwi and other plant products that have not undergone heat treatment.
What’s more, you can try replacing lemons with apricots and apricot juice, it is useful for digestion and metabolism.
If you want to give your food sour taste, you can use citric acid or berries (cranberry, red currant).
So, now you know that lemon and pregnancy are absolutely compatible things, but you need to pay attention to the aforementioned contradictions and amount of eaten lemons.
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