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These 8 photos of Nigerians celebrating Good Friday will make your day

For many Nigerians Good Friday is a lot of things. A day for rest and reflection, a day to visit family and eat out. Others spend the day in church or giving alms. has gathered some pictures of what Nigerians are doing today for Good Friday. Popular Nigerian church, Daystar Christian centre organized a ceremony to give to people today, below are some pictures:

The popular church gave gifts of food and other things to about 4,000 families

The popular church gave gifts of food and other things to about 4,000 families

Daystar Christian center brought smiles to the face of many in the spirit of Christmas

Daystar Christian center brought smiles to the face of many in the spirit of Christmas

One of the beneficiaries thanking God after receiving her gifts

One of the beneficiaries thanking God after receiving her gifts

People headed home, with their gifts on their heads

People headed home, with their gifts on their heads

Meanwhile, other Nigerians celebrate Good Friday with a re-enactment of Jesus’ last day on earth and his eventual death. Below are pictures of the scenes common in churches today:

A re-enactment of Jesus' suffering and death is a common sight in Nigeria on Good Friday

A re-enactment of Jesus’ suffering and death is a common sight in Nigeria on Good Friday

The turn out for Good Friday in church is usually way higher than normal

The turn out for Good Friday in church is usually way higher than normal

Many Nigerians thanked the Daystar church for the generosity displayed. Below are some tweets:

Meanwhile, the story of a man who converted from Christianity to Islam is a very interesting one. Watch a video of the man below:



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