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See 10 Nigerian universities with the highest number of professors (OAU has 230)

How many professors are there in the average Nigerian university? This might be a difficult question to answer. recently discovered that some Nigerian universities have more than 200 professors.

Peter Okebukola the pro chancellor of Crawford University has revealed through his research the number of professors in most Nigerian universities.

The top 10 Nigerian universities with the highest number of professors

The top 10 Nigerian universities with the highest number of professors

The University of Ibadan has 230 professors, a very large number for tertiary institutions

The University of Ibadan has 230 professors, a very large number for tertiary institutions

src="" title="The list which contains 50 universities also has the number of associate professors in each" width="738">

The list which contains 50 universities also has the number of associate professors in each

Some universities mentioned on the list have only one professor

Some universities mentioned on the list have only one professor

JAMB through their official twitter handle says candidates can now choose from the 12 New Federal Universities, state universities, Police academy or NDA.

Students trying to get registered for JAMB have faced several issues as shown by this video:



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