What spouses need to know about the incompatible blood type before beginning of pregnancy? Parents-to-be, especially if they are planning their first pregnancy, for sure must get to know the answer to this question. In this article you will find everything about matters of concern.
Nigerian couple
Matching of blood group for marriage
A young couple who decide to conceive a child should know how important blood compatibility is for this purpose. When planning the birth of a child, parents must take into account their blood types in order to avoid complications.
During the process of fetus formation, maternal and paternal blood is mixed. In such a way the blood of the child if formed. The baby can have any blood type. Since the embryo is formed, there are four groups simultaneously, but the percentage ratio is different. The highest percentage has the blood of the parents. Therefore, the child will have blood type either of father or mother.
When the parents have the identical blood type, in most cases (95-98 %) the child’s type will be the same. If the parents’ groups are different, then the baby has 25% to inherit one of them. Thus, the child can have I, II, and III and IV group of blood.
It is believed that the child will be healthier if dad’s blood group is higher than mother’s (for example, if you (a future mom) have the I group of blood, and the husband another, in any case, it will be higher than yours). Whatever it is, with the same blood group parents will have a safe pregnancy.
The importance of the Rh factor
Matching of blood
According to gynecologists, blood group for prospective parents is beside the point. However, Rh factor plays more important role, it is desirable to have the same Rh factor. So, in order to avoid problems in conceiving and carrying a child, it is important that both partners have the same Rh factor.
Rh factor is a special protein that is on the surface of red blood cells: if a protein is available, then Rh factor is positive, if it is not, then Rh factor is negative.
If the Rh factor of blood from the woman’s side is negative, then, ideally, negative it should be to a man. In the case, if a woman has positive Rh, then for the benefit of the unborn child it is advisable to the man to have positive as well.
Future moms and dads, please note: in 99% of cases the baby inherits the mother’s group and rhesus of blood.
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In turn, problems arise during conception, pregnancy and even after birth if baby’s Rh is different from the mother’s blood rhesus. If these indicators do not match, the future parents prior to conception are highly desirable and sometimes even mandatory to have special therapy. This is just to prevent rejection of the fetus by the maternal organism.
That’s why before conceiving the baby (especially before the first pregnancy) there is a need to have a lab test to determine blood group and Rh factor of the parents.
How blood type is determined?
Blood groups
A physician can determine blood group and Rh factor due to a special blood group chart. Blood, in itself, is a kind of ID of the individual. It does not change throughout a person’s life and is transmitted from parents to children.
It is believed that a particular blood group is directly related to nutrition. As soon as people migrated and adapted to local food, there were changes in their digestion and immune system, after all, had to contend with new diseases and all of this was reflected in the blood. Thus, each blood type contains the genetic message about diet and behavior strategies of our ancestors and we are still feeling the impact of their tendencies and habits.
Nowadays a large number of blood groups it discovered. Still, the basis is considered to be “A-B-zero” (АВ0). It is known that the plasma contains antibodies and red blood cells – antigens. In erythrocytes of human blood, according to the above system, there are antigens A and/or B, or absent (0). And in the blood plasma there can be antibodies to antigens A and B.
According to system “A-B-zero”, there are four main blood groups:
- Group I (0) in the plasma there are agglutinins A and B, in erythrocytes there are no agglutinogens.
- Group II (A) – the plasma contains agglutinins B, and in erythrocytes – A.
- Group III (B) – the plasma contains agglutinins A, and in erythrocytes – B.
- Group IV (AB) in the plasma agglutinins are absent, and in erythrocytes agglutinins A and B are present.
Now you see how important blood group compatibility for marriage is. In order to prevent Rh conflict it is recomended to make blood testing in order to know blood group and Rh of the future parents. Our children is our future!
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