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7 ways to prevent Meningitis

Nigerians are currently baring their fangs against the governor of Zamfara state and chairman of the Nigerian Governors forum (NGF), Abdulaziz Yari, for claiming God that is punishing Nigerians with meningitis for their sins.

Vaccination is still one of the best ways to prevent meningitis

Vaccination is still one of the best ways to prevent meningitis

Officials say several cases have been reported over the last week in six states and has so far infected more than 1,000 people, the Abuja Centre for Disease Control says.

What is the best way to prevent meningitis?

1. Vaccination

The most effective way to prevent meningitis is to get vaccinated against the disease. In the US the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends getting vaccinated against meningitis at age 11 or 12, followed by a booster shot at age 16 to 18.

The vaccine to prevent meningitis is also recommended if you’re entering the military, traveling, or planning to live in a country where bacterial meningitis is common.

2. Don’t share personal items

Meningitis can be contracted when you come in contact with respiratory or throat secretions — saliva, sputum, nasal mucus — of someone who is infected, either through kissing or sharing personal items.

You can prevent the spread of meningitis by not sharing items such as drinking glasses, water bottles, straws, silverware, toothbrushes, lipsticks or lip glosses, and cigarettes.

3. Keep your distance

The bacteria found in nose and throat secretions can also spread through coughing and sneezing. You could get meningitis if you’re close enough to an infected person to come in direct contact with these secretions.

If someone you know has a respiratory infection, keep at least 3 feet away to stay out of the line of any coughing fit.

Keep in mind that bacterial

meningitis isn’t that easily transmittable. You won’t get meningitis simply by breathing in the air where a sick friend or family member has been.

READ ALSO: Meningitis: 7 facts every Nigerian must know before its too late

4. Wash your hands

You can prevent meningitis from spreading by washing your hands vigorously, especially after you use the bathroom, change a diaper, spend time in a crowded place, and cough or blow your nose.

Use hot, soapy water and be sure to wash properly. Hand sanitizers can also be used.

5. Healthy eating

A healthy immune system can help prevent an infection from the viruses and bacteria that cause meningitis. Keep your immune system at its fighting best by eating healthy — including fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

6. Exercise and sleep

Getting regular exercise and adequate sleep also helps. Taking good care of your overall health becomes even more important if you have a chronic condition that compromises your immune system.

READ ALSO: Governor says God is responsible for meningitis disease outbreak

7. Get Prompt Treatment

If you have been in close contact with someone who has bacterial meningitis, call your doctor right away.

Your health care provider can give you antibiotics to keep you from developing meningitis. recently visited a fruit market in Nigeria. Watch the video below:



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