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Bride sets her wedding dress on fire to capture the perfect shot (photos)

– Bride asked photographer to light up her wedding dress

– She wanted that killer shot that will never exit her memory

– As her dress went up in flame, the lady stayed unexpectedly calm

– At the end of the fiery photo session, this was the final result

Generally speaking, every bride wants her wedding day photos to be as cute and unforgettable as they can possibly get. But it seems this crave for extraordinary shots is pushing things a little too far.

A red hot bride in a super cute wedding dress recently left everyone astonished after she invited the cameraman to set her bridal outfit on fire so as to get the killer shot.

“Trash the Dress’,” that’s what she called it.

And so she posed, calmly, as her dress went up in flame, and as the photographer took the much needed snapshots from different angles.

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Bride on fire! Woman allows photographer to set ablaze her wedding dress in effort get unforgettable shot (photos)

As the flames intensified, the unnamed bride acted as if nothing was happening. But as they say, too much of something, no matter how fun it is, can be deadly.

The bride started feeling the heat. The thought of her toying with fire finally hit her and she suddenly freaked out. A video taken of her while she was burning shows another woman dash to her rescue with an extinguisher.

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title="Bride on fire! Woman allows photographer to set ablaze her wedding dress in effort get unforgettable shot (photos)" width="615">

Thankfully, the daring bride was not hurt. It’s not yet clear whether she received that killer shot or not.

This, however, was not the first time a bride was going out of her way to get a memorable snapshot of herself in a wedding dress.

Bride on fire! Woman allows photographer to set ablaze her wedding dress in effort get unforgettable shot (photos)

A jilted bride made sure that she had a blast in her dress after her wedding was cancelled (Photo: Jessica Reyes Rios/All Brides 2 Be).

Not long ago, another young bride, who goes by the name Jen Brown, ‘trashed her wedding dress’ , estimated to must have been worth Ksh 133,731, in order to get a memorable photo.

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Watch video of bride’s wedding dress on fire as photographer takes her shots:

Watch the video below of asking Nigerians what salary a man should be earning before he thinks of marriage:

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