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Just in: Investigation reveals alleged plot to attack Hon Chibudom Nwuche (Photos)

– A Port Harcourt arm of the Civil Liberties Organization (CLO), says there is a malicious plot to arraign Hon Chibudom Nwuche for money laundering

– The CLO says the plot is orchestrated by EFCC IPOs Bashir Adamu and Chris Odofin

– CLO says the EFCC operatives plot to arraign Nwuche because he has refused to give them a bribe

The Civil liberties Organization says it has uncovered a plot by EFCC IPOs Bashir Adamu and Chris Odofin to arraign Hon Chibudom Nwuche for money laundering in a civil contract awarded to Foundation For Youth Development ( FYD).

In a statement by Karl Chinedu Uchegbu, the zonal chairman, the CLO asserted that Nwuche who is a trustee of the FYD, by the Amnesty Programme, is being attacked by some politicians within Rivers state. gathered that though FYD has provided copious documentation and videos showing how the N2.6BN paid as mobilization was disbursed in furtherance of the contract and a loan to the amnesty office, the IPOs remain bent on prosecuting Nwuche.

It is said that their adamant stand is based on the fact that Nwuche resisted their attempts to extort him and expose the illegal sale of his certificates of occupancy which was stolen in a raid of his residence.

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The IPOs are said to be plotting Nwuche’s arraignment despite being aware that the matter is in court and that FYD is owed N5.4BN for the provision of a sea time training vessel by the amnesty office.

The IPOs had at the invitation of Hon Nwuche in July 2016 demanded for N100m to close the case as they maintained that in spite of his plea of innocence that he was a politician and they could end his career with prosecution whether or not he was eventually freed of the allegations.

Some money were paid as advance after which the matter was reported to their bosses and nothing was done.

Also one Alhaji Bakare who claimed to be a front for Bashir Adamu was recorded demanding for N100m on his behalf and N5m was paid into his account.

This matter was also reported and nothing was done.

It was thereafter reported to the Police who arrested Bakare and charged him to court in case no.

These infuriated the IPOs who vowed to finish Nwuche and organized a raid of his residence on 28th Nov 2016 where over 17 armed men stormed his residence purporting to look for a stash of dollars.

They searched and found no dollars but took away over 10 C of O,s and diamond and gold Rolex watch.

Some of these C of Os later found their way into the market for sale.

The police were alerted and arrested over 8 suspects who mentioned one John Obetan Obi as the source of the C of Os.

Obetan Obi was one those that joined the IPOs that searched Nwuche’s residence even though he is a career criminal and not a staff of either the police or Efcc.

He has since been declared wanted by the police. See attached adverts in Daily Trust and police report confidentially obtained.

He is also suspected to be the one that planted illegal firearms to implicate Nwuche.

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CLO uncovers alleged plot by EFCC IPOs to maliciously arraign Hon Nwuche

Obetan Obi was one those that joined the IPOs that searched Nwuche’s residence

The next day 29th of November these IPOs are also suspected to have organized an armed robbery in Nwuche’s office where money was stolen and several vital documents removed.

The police are investigating the links between the search of 28th November and the robbery of 29th November.

CLO uncovers alleged plot by EFCC IPOs to maliciously arraign Hon Nwuche

CLO uncovers alleged plot by EFCC IPOs to maliciously arraign Hon Nwuche

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CLO uncovers alleged plot by EFCC IPOs to maliciously arraign Hon Nwuche

CLO uncovers alleged plot by EFCC IPOs to maliciously arraign Hon Nwuche

The issue of the purported illegal firearms was only raised in April I.e 4 months after Nwuche had written a letter of complaint to the EFCC and began to pursue the recovery of the C of Os.

This was also after the senate had raised the issue of the missing C of Os .

According to sources, the IPOs are allegedly playing a script sponsored by political interests from within the Rivers state APC to destroy Nwuche’s businesses.

CLO uncovers alleged plot by EFCC IPOs to maliciously arraign Hon Nwuche

CLO uncovers alleged plot by EFCC IPOs to maliciously arraign Hon Nwuche

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CLO uncovers alleged plot by EFCC IPOs to maliciously arraign Hon Nwuche

CLO uncovers alleged plot by EFCC IPOs to maliciously arraign Hon Nwuche

The CLO called for a thorough investigation by the president as to how state security apparatus are now being used by these IPOs for criminality and to “intimidate and destroy innocent citizens that resist their extortion”.

The group also called on the National Assembly to investigate “these gross abuse of power by the IPOs and their attempt to cover up the criminals that participated in the raid and to stop them from harassing Hon Nwuche on behalf of their known political sponsors”.

Below is a video in which the EFCC staged a walk against corruption.

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