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Popular MMM founder is author of this book

We all know about the popular Ponzi scheme MMM in Nigeria. However, did you know that the founder of the scheme is a book author? Here, we have an answer to the question: what’s the name of Mavrodi’s first book that was released?


Sergey Mavrodi is a convicted Russian criminal and a former deputy of the lower house of the Federal Assembly of Russia. He is the founder of MMM, a big Ponzi scheme. He created the scheme in 1993 after the collapse of the old USSR. Mavrodi is a man known to many as a mathematical genius and a criminal mastermind.

The title of Sergey Mavrodi’s first book is ‘Lucifer’s Son’. He was convicted of numerous crimes in 2007 and was sentenced to prison. While in prison, Sergey Mavrodi wrote the book Lucifer’s Son.

Lucifer's Son

Lucifer’s Son is the first book in a series of Temptation Chronicles. It takes us on a journey into the mind and world of Sergey Mavrodi. The book has been likened to the suspense and horror books written by authors like Dean Koontz and Stephen King. Seen as Russia’s Master of Horror, Mavrodi introduces us to his world of Lucifer and Lucifer’s son, temptation and seduction and a world of angels and devils. This he did in a sensational form of deviltry and suspense.

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Sergey Mavrodi

The book depicts a mysterious man who can fulfill the desires of

each protagonist in the book. But with conditions that are unimaginable and unacceptable. Due to lust, desire for power and also the greediness in the heart of most men, they will still agree to it. The book shows how little the standard of morality, love, and honor can be in any man, even if the person being tempted is a good and upright person.

He wrote the book to support his argument that some measure of evil lies within every human being and that the world is ruled by the Satan.

Book art

You need to keep in mind that the book is originally written in Russian. However, it has been translated into English by Yuriy Chetverzhuk. Unfortunately, the translation has some errors which have displaced some of the contexts of the original copy. These errors include extra words or missing words, incomplete sentences, occasional misspellings, awkward idioms, incorrect use of apostrophes, etc. So you might encounter some difficulty in comprehending the whole book due to this errors in translation.

Sergiy Mavrodi is known as a very contradictory person. If you want to go deep into his ideas and perception of the human nature, his book can help you to do this. Enjoy reading.

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