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Interesting facts about twins in Yoruba culture

The Yoruba people, whose representatives live in Nigeria and Benin, are well known for a high rate of twin births. In the USA, for every thousand newborns, 28.9 are twins. Among the Yorubas, this index is almost twice as high – for every 1000 births, there are 45 twins. If you have heard amazing news that you are expecting twins, you will find this info we will give you below interesting. We will tell you about Yoruba names for twins, girls and boys. Enjoy the article.

Interesting facts about Yoruba twins

What do Yoruba names for twins mean?

In ancient times, the birth of twins (ibeji), was considered a negative event. These babies were even killed at the time. In the 18th century, the views on the birth of Ibeji changed: it was considered a blessing, they received a near-divine meaning. By the 19th century, the glorification was established and remained until now. There is no need to look too far for a list of Yoruba names. For twins, they are traditionally the same. Let’s see what they mean:

– The first twin to make an entry into the world is usually named Taiwo. This means: First to taste the world.

– The second is called Kehinde. This means: The one that comes after.

It is believed in Yoruba tribe that a child’s name will affect his character. Taiwo is the leader because he ‘calls for Kehinde’ through crying at birth. Kehinde is cautious, smarter and judicious. Taiwo is always more interested in everything, prone to adventures.

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Yoruba twin girls

Ritual sculptures of twins

Scientists have not been able to establish the reason for the great fertility of twins among Yoruba people. However, this phenomenon is fixed in their culture and is something they are known for. As is the twin statue that is known in this tribe. Yoruba names for twins are closely connected with these figurines. It is believed that such sculptures allow the possibility of communicating with the souls of the


These statues looks like the face of a diseased child, but the features seem to belong to a mature person. Lineaments of the breasts, hips, genitals, gender scarring on the face and hairstyles show sexual desire which is something unaccustomed to babies babies. The sex organs are cut out like those of an adult person, not like those of a baby, which holds a symbolic meaning.

Statues of Yoruba twins

“Ibeji” is translated as “double”. People who have Nigerian names for twins are considered to share a mutual soul. If one dies, people carve a figure that symbolizes him. This sculpture is beloved as if the child is alive:

– He is fed, bathed, dressed and involved in rituals.

Ibeji spends time with people. He is carried with them and has a place he lays to sleep at night.

– Often he is dressed like a living double in a vest and sandals. The headpiece is wiped clean always. Sometimes the statuette might even wear a coat.

Responsibility for the care of this sculpture falls on mothers and other women. It prevents negative issues in the household, enhances love, illuminates the path into the afterlife and brings luck to all who treat Ibeji with respect. Ignoring him can cause trouble in the family.

These figures are well-known art-brand and they are often found on sale, the price can vary widely from $ 100 to several thousand dollars.

Hope you have found the article interesting and useful. Now you know what sacred meaning Yoruba names for twins have.

READ ALSO: Nigerian mother blessed with twin boys after years of waiting gives testimony (photos)



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