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Is there any website that pays money for reading news online?

According to statistics, there are over 3.7billion people worldwide who are connected to the cyberspace, 93 million of them are Nigerians. Having this huge number of people in one place creates so many opportunities to interact across borders and also to do business.

Already, there are so many ways to earn money online while working from home and more opportunities are being discovered daily. One of such new ones is getting paid to read the news idea.

While this might sound odd and unbelievable, there are several websites that present to those interested in making money online the opportunity to earn daily cash by reading news articles from media houses.

For hardworking Nigerians seeking to make additional income, this is a welcome idea.

You are expected to read a number of news articles daily. Each article you read earns you between $2, $4 and $7 (depending on the website). You could also make more money by earning a certain percentage when you refer other people to the site.

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Is there any website that pays money for reading news online?

Hitofnews is one of the websites that provide the get-paid-to-read-the-news opportunity

How it works

– Join a ‘get-paid-to-read-the-news’ website

– Register with a Paypal or Payza account

– Read maximum number of 30 to 35 news articles from different media houses provided by the portal

– Get paid the value of your read articles in just 14 days

– Refer family members, friends or acquaintances and earn $35 bonus as well as 15 per cent of the earnings of such people

Based on the website’s rates per article, you can earn as high as $980, $1,960 and $3,430 in just 14 days from just reading news!

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Promises on one of the read-news-get-paid websites

However, you must clock a minimum amount of earning in 14 days before qualifying for payment. In other words, you must read enough news stories and earn as much as the minimum amount stipulated or you will not be paid. For some websites, minimum payout can be as high $2,300.

READ ALSO: Make Money Online | How To Avoid Being Scammed?

Therefore, you must always meet your quota of stories expected to be read daily.

Here are some of the websites offering this opportunity:






One of the websites gave an insight into their clientele and what they do thus: “One of the websites gave an insight into their clientele and what they do thus: “Our clients are news sites owners, who want to increase amount of readers and raise their popularity.”

Scam alert

It must be noted however that there have been strong claims that the idea may be a scam. According to reports, some of the companies do not payout after 14 days as earlier promised.

Other reports say the websites that provide this opportunity are fraudsters who harvest Paypal data of users and clean out their accounts afterwards. You can read an in-depth research into the opportunity here.

Stay safe online. You can also report any suspicious looking website or suspicious activities on websites to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission which is empowered to investigate and prosecute cybercrimes in Nigeria.

Watch this TV video of Nigerians sharing their opinion on what they would do if they came across huge money



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