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What is the time zone for Nigeria?

What time zone is Nigeria using? Learn one more facts about Nigeria with We will tell you more about the time in Nigeria! Why is it important? You need to be able to calculate your time zone so you can keep track anywhere in the world. Just Continue reading to know Nigeria Time!

What is Nigeria time zone?

Nigeria Time Zone Difference

Nigeria Time Zone Difference

Before we start our journey into the topic that is the Nigeria Time Zone. It`s essential to know what GMT is. It means Greenwich Mean Time. According to the international standards, the GMT was used as an international standard time before introducing the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Now, UTC has replaced GMT. Therefore, if you want to know the most accurate time in the world, you need to look for the UTC.

Nigeria time zone

What is Nigeria time zone? Our country is located in West Africa, therefore, we make use of West African Time. This simply means UTC plus one hour. The same UTC in Europe is defined as Central European Time. The abbreviation for Nigeria time is WAT. Some countries prefer to switch time in the summer for one hour to save energy. Nigeria is not one of these countries. This means that there are no periods where Nigeria will need to change its time.

What is the time zone for Nigeria?

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Like we have explained, Nigeria time zone is referred to as WAT. It`s very simple to grasp. You should also know that the countries on the Western Nigeria borders use Greenwich Mean Time. If it`s twelve am in Nigeria, then it`s eleven am in Benin, Togo, Ghana, Mali, England, Portugal and many other countries. Nigeria is not the only country that uses WAT. Other countries using this time in Africa include:

– Tunisia;

– Republic of the Congo;

– Niger;

– Namibia;

– Gabon;

– The Democratic Republic of the Congo

– Central African Republic;

– Algeria;

– Equatorial Guinea

– Cameroon;

– Angola;

– Chad.

What is the time in Nigeria?

What is the time in Nigeria?

What is the time zone in Nigeria? Now you know that Nigeria time zone can be calculated according to West Africa Time. There are also 12 African countries which follow the same time pattern. Now you know that if it`s twelve am in Nigeria, it should be eleven am in England, Benin, Togo and many other countries situated in the West!

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