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Step-by-step preparation of Kuli Kuli to treat your guests

Have you ever prepared one of the most popular Nigerian snacks? They are very tasty! Let’s learn more and find out how to make Kuli Kuli in Nigeria!

How to make Kuli Kuli?

Hausa food recipes

Hausa food

Hausa food is very delicious. It is also quite easy to prepare. You don’t need to have some special skills. There is a big variety of Hausa recipes in Nigeria – from light snacks to high-grade dishes.

Their delicacies have become so tasty that a lot of other tribes love them and some even want to make them themselves.

Hausa food recipes

Here is a list of popular Hausa foods which you may like:

– Datu;

– Doya;

– Gumba;

Delicious Hausa food

– Koko;

– Kuli Kuli;

– Kwando;

– Kosai and many others.

How to make Nigerian Kuli Kuli

Kuli Kuli

Today we will prepare one very popular Nigerian snack. Kuli Kuli is the West African food. It is usually made from peanuts. This snack is also popular in Benin, Ghana, and northern Cameroon. You can eat Kuli Kuli alone or as a side snack for when you soak garri with sugar and water. Also, you can grind and sprinkle Kuli Kuli to give your salad a better taste.

Ingredients for the preparation

Hausa Kuli Kuli

1. You will need two cups of peeled groundnuts. They must be salted and roasted.

2. Groundnut oil.

3. A tea spoon of ground pepper.

4. One and a half tea spoon of ginger powder (or according to your taste).

5. Kahun but not necessary.

To prepare Kuli Kuli you will need such appliances as a nonstick frying pan, food processor, muslin cloth and a plastic bowl.

Step-by-step guide


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So let’s begin! First, you need to put the groundnuts and ginger in your food processor. Whisk

them until the nuts turn into a creamy consistency. Now squeeze this mixture through a muslin fabric. Then pour it into a plastic bowl. Add the powdered ground pepper. Stir everything properly with your hands and fingers. Then roll them up into narrow/cylindrical shaped forms.

Now put a non-sticky pan on the cooker. Add some groundnut oil to fry the balls. By the way, if you want to get a special flavor, add onion rings. Stir the pieces well till they become brown in colour. Then put balls on the plate to cool them.

Your Kuli Kuli is ready! It can be now be enjoyed by everyone.

How to make groundnut cake

Groundnut cake

And now it is time to cook another yummy treat! It is the famous groundnut cake, which is also popular in Nigeria. In Ghana, people call it “Katty Cake”. But in Nigeria, this cake is known as street sweets “sisipelebe”. It looks quite appetizing and tastes terrific too! So let’s begin!

Ingredients you will need:

– Three cups of roasted groundnuts. They must be peeled and partially crushed.

– One cup of sugar;

– One cup of water;

– Baking sheet which must be greased;

– One rolling pin -greased.

Ingredients for groundnut cake

Now, let us talk about the very easy cooking instruction! First, pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Bring it to boil until most of the water evaporates. The sugar solution should become concentrated, thicker, and brown. When you see that the mixture becomes sticky and golden brown, pour the groundnuts.

Stir everything very quickly and pour on baking sheet (you can also use a grinding board). While the mixture is still hot, roll it out and cut desired shapes and sizes. Let it lie on the board until it cools down.

Groundnut yummy

When the sweet has cooled down, simply serve. Let your whole family enjoy this delicious dish! As you see, this groundnut recipe is very easy. It will take you about an hour to prepare it. But it is worth it!

Nigeria does not cease to amaze its residents and tourists with delicious dishes and simple snacks. Kuli Kuli is known to many people and is very easy to prepare. The same thing can be said about the groundnut cake. Simple to prepare and very tasty to eat! Keep reading for more great Nigerian recipes. There is so much more to see and learn.

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