Poultry and eggs make up the daily diet of most people. Therefore, there will always be a stable demand for them.
Business on poultry farming can be started up practically from scratch, with minimal financial investment. And you can always start from small.
Let’s consider this business idea in detail: what to begin with, useful tips and the estimated profit!
Buy everything you need for poultry farming on Jiji at really affordable prices – and start your successful business today!
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Search poultry for breeding
Study the market starting from the nearby villages. Clients would prefer the possibility of fast fresh meat and eggs delivery.
The following bird species are in demand:
For instance, Shaver 579 lays 315 eggs a year after they are more than 12 months old; Isa-Brown chickens lay 320 eggs; Lohmann-Brown lay really large eggs (62 grams), 310 pcs a year; while Tetra-SL hens lay 301 dark brown eggs a year;
In addition to demand, the decisive factor for choosing the type of poultry is the conditions of maintenance and breeding.
Organization of the process
In any case, you will need to register and obtain permits immediately. However, it is possible to bypass the bureaucracy and organize a chicken coop just for your own needs at first. When it’s possible, increase the number of poultry and transform your small coop into a real large farm.
FYI: you will need separate permits for growing chickens for meat, for eggs, raising the young and breeding poultry.
Certificates of quality and permits from the Sanitary-Epidemiological and Veterinary Service will also be required. Sometimes it makes sense to hire an experienced lawyer to get all the documents ready.
At the start, it is advisable to rent the land plot.
Purchasing land is a good investment but no one will ever guarantee the success of your plan.
In order to determine the necessary area, consider these two parameters:
- Conditions of poultry keeping (in coops or free);
- Natural needs of chickens.
Buy young chickens
Your business will require purchasing young chickens or eggs for hatching in an incubator.
You’d better purchase young quality chickens and hatchlings on farms since it is more profitable and there is an opportunity to buy the desired meat breed or egg-laying variety.
How to care for your chickens and other poultry
You can keep poultry in coops but they should be located in a heated room with light and other communications. Broilers and quails would appreciate such an option.
A fenced enclosure gives more freedom and is simply necessary for geese, ducks and other large birds.
An insulated coop is needed in any case – at night the birds will stay
The design of the coop is quite primitive and you can always build it by yourself. You will need to purchase equipment:
- water containers;
- feeding bowls;
- egg incubators;
- heaters (young and Easter broiler chickens require special keeping conditions);
- tools for cleaning, etc.
If you have your own vegetable garden, you can save on food: you will need to buy food, of course, but if you want the meat to taste better and the chickens to grow big, feed them goat cheese, cut dandelion and nettles leaves and grated carrots in the first month.
When your chickens turn 2 months, add boiled potatoes, grated beetroot, pumpkin and carrots to their diet.
Basically, you will need only a few people (and not immediately at the start):
The main expenses:
- Registration and permits;
- Rent;
- Poultry house construction and territory arrangement;
- Purchase of equipment;
- Purchase of young individuals;
- Purchase of feed mills, feed and supplementary foodstuff;
- Salary for employees.
To get a tangible income you should get at least 1500 birds.
Let’s consider the cost efficiency of a farm with 300 chickens. Within the 2 months after the purchase, chickens gain about 5 kg on average.
So, 300х5 = 1500 kg.
Poultry costs $1.70 on the market.
1500×1.70 = $2550.
Taking into account the fact that you have spent about $750 to buy chickens and feed them, you have about $950 left.
And now let’s consider egg-laying hens. With proper care 50 mature hens will give you 36-40 eggs every day. It’s about 200 eggs in 5 days. A dozen eggs cost about $1.35.
So, 200x $1.35 = $270.
You can sell the meat and the eggs both retail and wholesale. The profitability of broiler chickens reaches 45 – 60%
The profitability of egg-laying hens – 40 – 45%.
Sales and Distribution
The easiest way to sell is the local market. You can go further and offer your products to trade chains, public catering, schools and kindergartens if you have all the necessary certificates and it’s at an acceptable price.
Sell your products on Jiji, #1 online marketplace in Nigeria, like a lot of other manufacturers who are already doing profitable business here every day! More than half of the 5 million visitors a month can become your potential buyers. You can post detailed ads for free, save on advertising and get your business going in no time!
To sum up, breeding poultry is a profitable and promising occupation!
Buy everything you need for the poultry business on Jiji at reasonable prices – your successful business starts here!
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