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Easy and quick way to determine that company is registered in Nigeria

People have gone into business with fake companies and lost their money. Doing business with an unregistered company is very dangerous. It is difficult to determine if the company is real or fake if you do not to check this fact. Find out how to check if a company is registered in Nigeria or not below.

How to check if a company is registered in Nigeria?

All companies and businesses in Nigeria are mandated to be registered under the Corporate Affairs Commission. The CAC ( Corporate Affairs Commission) was founded in 1990 under the Companies and Allied Matters Act. The commission was created to regulate how companies in Nigeria are being formed and managed.

Before you go into any business or transactions with any company it is advisable that you are sure that a company or business is a legitimate one. In the past, this was difficult to do because you will have to go down to their office to confirm. But now you don’t have to do that. In 2016, the Corporate Affairs Commission launched a public search portal on their website where people can check if a company or business is registered in Nigeria. You can now check this information online for free from anywhere.

READ ALSO: Requirements for registering a company in Nigeria

CAC search

To check if a company or business is registered, follow this simple steps:

● Log on to the corporate affairs commission website at and chose the “Public Search” service on the landing page.

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● You will be directed to the search page. Enter the name of the company in the search engine with heading “Search Record by Name”

● Click on the square box below the search engine to verify that you are not a robot.

● Then you can click on “Search”.

If the company is registered, the search will return with the result showing the details of the company and CAC registration status. The result will include the name of the company, the RC number, the address of the company and the date of registration.

CAC public search result

If the company is still undergoing registration, the result will return without RC number and address. You will see undergoing registration under the date of registration column and not yet assigned to the RC number column.

If the company is not registered, the result will return empty.

If you can’t find the company’s name on the corporate affairs commission list of registered companies, then you have to be very careful in your dealings with the company. Probably the company is fake or it’s just not registered. We advise that you take extra caution or make necessary findings in such case.

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