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Members queue up in a church in Benue state to collect 'miracle water' (photos)

Bishop Sam Zuga of the House of Joy Ministry made headlines recently following his announcement that he had produced ‘miraculous water’. noticed that people have been gathering at the House of Joy Ministry headquarters in Benue state, to get their hands on the water.

The controversial bishop had earlier released the water which he claimed can do a lot including ‘see, hear, act, heal, revitalize dead businesses, excavate buried charms, open closed doors and wombs, force people who forget you to remember you, give bountiful harvest, open blocked brains caused by witchcraft and produce millionaires among millions of people in the world‘.

READ ALSO: Nigerian bishop shares photos of his customised church, the first in the world

Bishop Zuga took to his Facebook page to share the ‘good news’ about the good patronage the ‘World Wonder Water’ (WWW) was getting. He said:

People on queues to collect their booked WORLD WONDERS WATER at samzuga city, near Gboko Benue state Nigeria.

See pictures below:

Members queue up in a church in Benue state to collect 'miracle water'

Bishop Zuga giving water to a female member of his church. Photo: Facebook/Sam Zuga

Members queue up in a church in Benue state to collect 'miracle water'

Bishop Zuga shows off the ‘miraculous water’. Photo: Facebook/Sam Zuga

collect 'miracle water'" class="article-image__picture" height="960" src="" title="Members queue up in a church in Benue state to collect 'miracle water'" width="720">

Church members queue up to get hold of the WWW. Photo: Facebook/Sam Zuga

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Members queue up in a church in Benue state to collect 'miracle water'

Members of the House of Joy Ministry queue up to collect the ‘miracle water’. Photo: Facebook/Sam Zuga

Members queue up in a church in Benue state to collect 'miracle water'

The water that ‘uproots charms, cures diseases’. Photo: Facebook/Sam Zuga

Meanwhile, see this Nigerian ‘ambassador of peace’ who lives on the street:



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