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Meet young Nigerian woman, Rosemary Egabor, promoting professionalism and media etiquette in Nigeria

At a time when the Nigerian media is going through ethical crisis, an initiative to promote media etiquette and professionalism is being championed by a young Nigerian, Rosemary Egabor.

Miss Egabor is doing this through a series of networking programmes and media outreaches for media houses and practitioners in the Nigeria’s media space. At seminar organised by her initiative, and other media houses were taken through inspiring sessions of etiquette reporting and ethical issues in media reporting.

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Meet the Nigerian lady, Rosemary Egabor, who is promoting professionalism and etiquette reporting in the media

Rosemary Egabor encourages media professionals to make etiquette reporting an integral part of their job

At the training, journalists from online, print and broadcast genre were inspired with confidence to stand up to their responsibilities without compromising. Once more, these media practitioners were reminded about their position as the voice of the masses, and how important professional etiquette is a priority.

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Meet the Nigerian lady, Rosemary Egabor who is promoting professionalism and etiquette reporting in the media

Journalists from across different media platforms participated in the etiquette reporting training

After the media etiquette training, the CEO of Urban 10 Hub Limited, Rosemary Egabor launched a mediahangoutng campaign to encourage the younger generation in journalism to stands against poor reportage, zero investigative journalism, high level of illiteracy, news falsehood in social which are used as a tool for attack. Mavi Isibor opined that the media etiquette is to help build professionalism in the media industry. Isibor said: “Etiquette will help professionals in the media industry reflect confidence, build inter-personal skills, strong relationships and prevent misgivings with important stakeholders.”

At a later date, a cocktail organised by the initiative media personalities discussed issues affecting the industry while they network to form a common bond.

Meet the Nigerian lady, Rosemary Egabor, who is promoting professionalism and etiquette reporting in the media, represented by editor-in-chief received a certificate of participation at the media training

Media etiquette, no to brown envelope
class="article-image__caption">Chamberlain Usoh, Sulaimoh Aledeh, Harriet and Shola Shoyele of Channels TV at the media cocktail

Media etiquette, no to brown envelope

At a media cocktail after the training, media personalities were hosted to an evening of fun. It was also an opportunity to discuss issues affecting the media industry in Nigeria.

Media etiquette, no to brown envelope

One of the participants at the media hang out

Media etiquette, no to brown envelope
Media etiquette, no to brown envelope
Media etiquette, no to brown envelope

Rosemary Egabor with a media personality at the event

Media etiquette, no to brown envelope

Chamberlain, Sulaimon, Harriet and Shola from Channels TV hanging out at the event

Media etiquette, no to brown envelope

OAPs at the event

Media etiquette, no to brown envelope

Rosemary with some OAPs having a blast at the cocktail



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