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YouTube: Marketing predictions for 2017

Do you like YouTube videos? Your favourite leisure time activity is to watch video on YouTube channels? YouTube funny videos are TOP things to watch? Then, you have to read the article to about all marketing predictions for 2017.

YouTube: Marketing predictions for 2017

YouTube: Marketing predictions for 2017

Today YouTube video hosting provides us with the necessary opportunities of brand recognition rising and increasing the number of new customers. Why YouTube? Statistics speaks for itself:

• About 1 billion YouTube channels videos are watched on mobile devices daily;

• The alleged YouTube revenue in 2014 amounted to $4 billion – what will it be in 2017?;

• 4 billion YouTube videos are viewed every day, it accounts to 6 billion hours each month;

• Every minute YouTube videos are viewed on Facebook.

As it was earlier

Before 2011YouTube channels were familiar to a few people. However, first ads on YouTube were shown in 2007. At that time 20 major UK companies manage to test about 200 advertising videos. Such an advantage was taken by BBC, Warner Bros, and football club Chelsea. Even then the result was clear – it turned out, than YouTube adverts are 5 or 10 times more efficient than other ad formats. In 2011 YouTube superiority among the skeptics and doubters was finally proven.

Marketing specialists are increasingly convinced of the power of YouTube and see its excellent conversion. In addition to this, it was found out that video on YouTube home page is 4 times more efficient in the ratio, as then visitor goes to the advertiser’s site, and after seeing the company’s video he already knows more about the history of the brand.

YouTube: Marketing predictions

YouTube: Marketing predictions for 2017

As it is today

Today Google Mobile-friendly is one of the main topics for discussion among developers and chats owners. And that is why the use of mobile devices is not less important for YouTube, as video watch rate on smartphones is 1.5 times higher. It’s worth taking into consideration that more than half of YouTube traffic is generated exactly from mobile devices.

For the creation of commercials it is necessary to know such rules of popular YouTube funny videos:

To create 15-second commercials;

• 5 – 8 seconds to attract the attention of users;

YouTube: Marketing predictions 2017

YouTube: Marketing predictions for 2017

• To remember about the quality of sound and video itself (it always affects the user);

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• At the end of the video should be placed some calling to action;

• To test multiple video formats and select the one that fits your ear;

YouTube: Marketing prediction

YouTube: Marketing predictions for 2017

Prepare the content that the user is looking for;

Find the exact words and phrases that people use to search for videos on your topic. In order to make this you may use free tools (e.g. Keyword Tool and YouTube Trends), as well as paid services (for example, VideoCents and VidIQ).

Increase the time of watching videos;

This is the most important ranking factor on YouTube. It’s simple: if your video is long, you lose your position. And Vice versa if the video is interesting, it is watched more frequently until the end, and that means its rating is higher.

YouTube: Marketing

YouTube: Marketing predictions for 2017

Let people spend more time on your YouTube channel;

This can be difficult, but try to make it so that users watch more than one your video. Of course, so do all the owners of the channels, but not all actively encourage people to look at something else. This tactics has more advantages than it may seem at first glance.

If your channel users watch one video after another (even if they then go on other channels), the YouTube algorithm will count it to you plus which, of course, will positively affect results in the search.

title="YouTube: Marketing predict">

YouTube: Marketing predictions for 2017

Create consistent content;

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Promote videos with external links;

YouTube prefers the authoritative video. This also applies to links. If your video refers to a quality resource on the Internet, YouTube thinks that your content is really important and adds you some points.


YouTube: Marketing

YouTube: Marketing predictions for 2017

Develop audience involvement;

Now it is time to find out how much can you earn on YouTube. It is likely that in 2017 the price for 1000 commercial will slightly fall since competition on YouTube has grown. Today it isn’t easy to find someone who would not upload your videos to YouTube to show himself, to become famous or make money. Earnings on YouTube in the new year will come down by another tendency – advertisers more often opt for cheap advertising trends. It seems that very soon YouTube will create some limitations.

• YouTube will use your Google account data for targeting;

YouTube customers will be able to use demographic data and information about the search behavior of authorized users of Google. In addition, the company has expanded the possibility of targeting usage adopting – Customer Match on YouTube. So, advertisers are given an opportunity to target ads at those users who have subscribed to your newsletter about promotions on their resources. Moreover, if the user will disable ads from a specific advertiser in a Google search, it is automatically locked for him on YouTube.


YouTube: Marketing predictions for 2017

YouTube will allow a third party to check advertising metrics;

In its statement, Google said they will allow Media Rating Council to follow the measurement on the channel to ensure the accuracy of the statistics of YouTube video views for advertisers.

Nielsen: nearly half of online advertising will miss target audience;

New research from Nielsen claims that online advertising hits the target. Data is based on a study of over 44,000 campaigns in 17 countries. According to the results, only 53% of the advertising was viewed by the people of the desired age and gender. Accuracy of representation is also different across sectors it has largely reached its audience in the sphere of travel and entertainment. Demography also turned out to be a challenging factor: only 38% of campaigns aimed at audiences aged 25-44. The older generation is easier to reach: 58% campaigns successfully targetroot 36-64 year olds.


YouTube: Marketing predictions for 2017

YouTube will get rid of the format of the most annoying advertising;

The company will cease to support 30-second YouTube videos – commercials that you cannot skip, and will focus on the formats that are effective for audience and for advertisers. 20-second spots that must not be missed will be preserved. Over the past few years, the landscape of streaming video has changed, and YouTube is not the only player. To stay competitive, Google should think about the experience of interaction with user.

YouTube has launched an online chat for live broadcasting;

Representatives of YouTube announced a creation of a new feature – Super Chat, which will help to earn money on “live” broadcasting because of comments. By itself, the feature is free, but it has a special pay extension for a certain amount of reviews, it highlights in bright color and keeps at the top of the chat for some time. The scheme is simple: the more the user pays, the higher is his comment and the brighter it looks. The value can be identified by the user, and of the amount of money spent will depend on the length of the message, its color and special status. Prices start from $1 per review. According to the representative of the company Barbara McDonald, this chat will help fans to get the attention of your favorite YouTube stars and, conversely, famous bloggers can connect with their most “vivid” fans. Also life streaming will be watched by the moderators to comply with censorship and to exclude cases of trolling. The new feature will benefit all who have already turned 18 and who have a credit card. At the moment the chat is tested in a beta version only for a certain number of users.



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