What girl does not dream to get married? They think about it since early childhood. But time passes, and some women have not met their princes yet, while others date their beloved ones for a long time, but he does not speak about the wedding and does not want to propose marriage.
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
What if a man comes to believe that everything is fine? What creates such thoughts in his mind? We will tell you a few ways how to make him propose to you. This is a precious piece of relationship advice.
10 steps to make him propose. What men want in a relationship
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
These steps will show you how to get a man to marry you. You can try each one until it works out and you reach the success.
Method №1. Together forever
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
This is the most honest way to get married – because of your love. A classic of the genre requires that the initiative, in this case, must come from the men. But a woman has to prove to your man that she would be his ideal wife. Then you can discuss the possibility to make your relationship official.
Method №2. Arrange dates in front of the registrar
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
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If your beloved one is venturesome, frivolous, then this method will surely suit you. In just a few days warn your boyfriend, that you go to a party where at the entrance people checkup the passports and dress code. But in order to organize everything without a groom in the registry office, you need some friends there.
If there are no friends, it is possible to arrange a meeting by chance at the registry office, and as if by chance go to him. And then a woman has to offer to her man to arrange a surprise to family and friends: to get married. It is important that you find yourself near the registry office in its opening hours. If you love each other, trust each other, want to be together, your boyfriend will not hesitate and will agree. The main thing is to make sure that no one will change his mind later.
Method №3. We are no worse than others
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
Everyone is already married, and your boyfriend still slows down to offer his hand and heart. What to do in this case? How to get the man you love to marry you? She must constantly remind her beloved one that all his friends are already married, and her girlfriends are married too. And why are you worse than others? It will make your boyfriend to speed up his decision.
Method №4. We will have a child
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
The girls use this way for a long time. If your boyfriend is some kind of playboy, then this news will upset him more than make happy. This news will immediately oblige you to live together, so your loved one may be very scared.
You cannot predict the behavior of your groom after the wedding if you have invented your pregnancy. In this case, such a method does not exactly bring happiness to the family, so it is better to choose another method how to get a man to marry.
However, it is still a ‘popular’ way – to get pregnant fast, to bind a man. Remember, no child will stop a man if he decides to leave. Even if he is your husband or boyfriend – it does not matter! Even being legally married, there is the risk of becoming a single mother. Would you like to give such a future your child? You must be ready for that.
Method №5. ‘Sissy’
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
In order to marry a ‘mama’s boy’, you need only one thing: to please his parents. To do this, you need to prepare thoroughly: to learn from your boyfriend what his mom loves, what she is interested in what she is fond of. It is necessary to choose the appropriate attire, it would be better if it would match the taste of the groom’s mother.
Behave modestly, not provocatively. You can assume that success is achieved if the mother begins to tell you about her son, about all his merits. If the mother of you beloved likes you, you will no longer need to think how to get a man to marry you – his mother will make you for you.
Method №6. If your boyfriend is a careerist
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
This method is suitable for men who held high positions in any company. An offer to get married should be constructive, it must be well thought out. The main thing is that he should feel as you are taking care of your loved one’s career.
Provide a compelling argument that you need to get married, say that after giving official status to your relationship, his career will improve too. If your boyfriend agrees, then you need to find out where and when you can apply.
Method №7. End of the world
How to make a
Convince your boyfriend that you really believe in the end of the world, so you need to have time to get married before the end of the world. Tell your loved one that you want to spend this year ‘as it is the last one’. If you do not know how to get a man to marry you, you can try this method. It is suitable for romantic couples.
Method №8. Happy marriage
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
Gently tell him that one can be happy even in marriage. Name some examples of your friends: ‘I’ve never seen Mike gloomy since he got married!’ or ‘Jacksons’ wedding anniversary is always celebrated in a loud way – so nice to see the happy couple!’
The main thing is not to overdo it with the frequency of such statements and practice in order to avoid sugary-theater notes of your voice. You can also say that British scientists have proved that married men live much longer and their health is stronger.
Method №9. Romantic movies
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
Watch movies on the theme of eternal family values more often. That means to present a happy couple and their adorable kids, a large dog, a beautiful house, a huge Christmas tree, etc. While watching, you can whisper to your boyfriend’s ear that you have always dreamed of a family and a life like that. But whisper it not more than once during the film.
Method №10. Indispensable woman
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
Become indispensable lady for a loved one, at least in some points. It is necessary that he is used to things, you’re doing for him. You do everything perfectly and with pleasure. For example, the wonderful massage after a difficult day at work.
But before you use one of the above ways think if you really want to live with this person the whole your life. Would you like him to become the father of your kids?
The things you should not do under any circumstances:
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
1. Do not tell the man that you are hurt, do not admonish him for the fact that h makes you waste time in vain and fools you. You decided to be with him – it is only your choice. Take responsibility for your own actions.
2. You refer him to a psychologist to discuss his fear of commitment. Men are able to make commitments well, if they love their women, and women follow the ‘rules’ (which we are telling right now). But if the woman is chasing a man herself, if she is too available, if a man is not in love, then a real phobia immediately arises. Men say: ‘I find it hard to reconcile with the concept of marriage’ – or talk about the divorce statistics.
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
3. Do not allow a man to convince you that the marriage is not important – ‘it’s just a simple document’, it is just important to be together. If he does not want to get married, then he does not love you. Or his love is not what you need. If a man does not want to get married, then he still wants to find someone else!
4. Do not allow a man to convince you that, because he has already been married, he cannot marry again, you have to give him time to recover from his ex-wife.
5. Do not allow a man, with whom you have been dating for a long time, to persuade you to wait until everything ‘calms down’ at work, financial problems will be solved or something else will happen. This is an unacceptable reason. Problems at work and the lack of money will always present. Nothing should stop a man to marry you.
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
A man who is in love wants to marry his girlfriend and hopes that you will not notice these problems and that you will help him to find a solution. He will still be begging you to marry him. He will fall to one knee and say something like: ‘I know I’m not a millionaire, but I love you and I want to do anything for you’. When a man says, ‘You’re too good for me’ – it means ‘I do not want you’.
In general, to get a man to marry you in a reasonable time, you should absolutely refuse to live with him until the engagement and wedding and continue to meet him not more than three times a week, though by this time you are already passionately want to be together all the time.
If it happens so, that a man does not want to do the first step, but does not allow doing it for him – the task of the intelligent woman is to lead him to ‘the right way’. It will seem that the decision about marriage was taken by a man.
How to make a man marry you in 30 days? – Top 5 tricks
This marriage material is really precious, but you should think twice before using it. Would you like to live the whole life knowing that you’ve made him marry you? That it was not his decision? You deserve a real marriage proposal and a man who dreams about it!
READ ALSO: How to propose to a lady?
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