One of an essential problems which are facing by Nigeria is cultism. Cultism in Nigeria has been a long-stand enemy that provided negative impacts on people. Why people in Nigeria in today`s reality prefer cultism?
What is cultism and its effects?
- Poverty. According to study conducted by one of the American Universities, the countries with high poverty rates have much more chances to get various cults on their lands. People are desperate in their decisions and poor people are the, most ideal members of secret cults.
- Corruption. The second problem for the developing countries is the corruption as it leads not only to the finance problems in the country, but also to the problems with minds and hearts of the people.
- Education. Less educated people are more prone to become members of cults.
What is cultism?
What is cultism and its effects?
According to the Oxford Dictionary, the cultism definition is next – it`s a social or religious group whose beliefs are individualistic, secret and esoteric. Cultism is an act of experiencing of religious practice. Cultists usually share the common ideas and cause. They are unknown to the public and some true intentions of cult leaders are unknown for the members. Oxford Avance Learners dictionary propose another cultism definition as a ritual practice that involved into the group of people, their policies, rituals and admission are kept secret from the general public. Therefore, it`s possible to distinguish several characteristics of cultism:
- Cultism is a spiritual or religious practice
- Cultism is practiced by a group of individuals
- Cultism is a secret practice
- Cultism policies are unknown for the general public
- Cultism changes the values of the people
- Cultism effects on the life of an individual
Therefore, cultism can be defined as a distractive force in the society. The secret cults do not share their ideas and policies with no one.
Cultism and its effects – Why people choose cultism?
What is cultism and its effects?
Origin of Cultism in Africa
African traditional system of worship is known for the reference of supreme beings and entities as well as ancestors. They also believe in mystical powers of life. Hierarchy is an interesting thing in any form of religion and especially in secret cults. They tend to have a history with intimidation, threatening, killing, rape, arson, and robbery. Nevertheless, what are the reasons that people prefer to dive into cultism in Nigeria?
Cultism and responsibility
Some people search to become the members of the cults as they have a desire to be responsible for something. Cults can give them some illusion of responsibility. They follow the hierarchy of cults and become more aware of true meaning of these cults. They also acquire the illusion of injustice or wrong religion as they believe. It`s true that new responsibilities in a cult can give some protection and self-confidence. That`s why cult leaders highly explore people for their search of responsibility.
Cultism and search for needs
Some people might join cults for particular reasons like they have some secret desires or aspirations to go through and that`s why they want to join. Every cult is searching for a certain goal, like controlling the world or wealth. Nevertheless, cults just use secret desires and want of individuals to achieve the goals of getting new members (usually) or just personal needs of a strong, charismatic leader. People who join the cults usually explore their secret desires, like sex, money, and power. Cult leaders explore these secret desires and use them as they see fit. Moreover, cult members are not aware that they are being used.
What is cultism and its effects?
Security and cultism
Many participants of the cults because of lack of the security in the society. As it was mentioned above, cults are usually founded in the societies filled with poverty, corruption, and insecurity. The citizens of the country do not believe into the local authorities and prefer to join cults to feel more secure. It`s especially seen in female cultism in Nigeria, where young women join the cult because they feel insecure. The same goes to male cultism as men have a natural desire to protect their families. If tradition institutes can`t provide them this kind of protection, then they seek for other sources.
Social identity and cultism
People who can`t find themselves within the society – have a tendency to seek help from various social groups. They want to have popularity and power, but within the limits of the society they can`t discover themselves and be open to the world. Cult leaders provide them this opportunity if they are to be the loyal members. If they manage to promote the cult and be the good assets to it, then they can be granted with a bless of a leader and get some promotion within the hierarchy of the cult.
What is cultism and its effects?
Other reasons to join the cult
People can also be a part of a cult not by personal will. If the parents are members of the cult, their children also become members of the cult. They are usually the most loyal members, as they do not have another opinion for the world picture. They know only the words of a cult leader. Children born and raised within the cult consist the bulk of cult fanatics. People with emotional and psychological sickness, they do not fit for traditional societies, and cult leaders use them as the assets for the cult groups.
READ ALSO: Female cultism in Nigerian universities and other dangerous cults
Causes of cultism in Nigeria
What is cultism and its effects?
Economic Instability
For the last few years’ people in Nigeria suffer from the continuance economic loss in the country. For the decades the national currency of Nigeria drops
Social Instability
For the last decade – Nigeria experienced a bulk of negative social events. Nigeria has become a target for various militaristic and terrorist groups. Moreover, it has become a target for various fraud organizations and even slave trading as some young people try to flee the country and end up being a slave. Therefore, cultism comes to play proposing a sanctuary from the problems of the world. People who join the cults are usually taken care of. Cult leaders provide them security within the bounds of the cult. All they have to do is to give up their freedom.
Corruption is one of the most problematic issues in Nigeria. People in power have no desire to change something in this direction. Therefore, people with no money or connections can expect no justice from the government institutions. Therefore, they search for cults as they provide some source of security. It means that people within the cults can expect that if they give up their possessions and freedoms, they can expect the security or at least the illusion of security from cult leaders. Therefore, if they can`t solve their problems with the government officials, they can expect that somebody can help them.
Types of cultism and their symbols
What is cultism and its effects?
Religious cultism
This cultism is the most spread within the borders of the religion issue. Religious motives are the most widespread idea of cultism that people might secure. It`s almost impossible to know what expect us in death. Therefore, charismatic cult leaders can use this knowledge to create their version of what can happen when a person dies. Therefore, the cult leaders serve as middle people between false gods and cult members. If a person is willing to give the possessions to a leader of a cult, then he or she might expect better conditions in the afterlife.
Political cultism
It`s usually connected with a certain idea of the world domination. Members of the cult do not seek eternal refuge in the afterlife. They have a desire to obtain the tremendous power in this life and expand the cult borders. Their cultist symbol is connected with the power over people. One of the most noticeable Political cults is Illuminati. Members of Illuminati have a desire to unite the world under their supreme rule. In this world, the society will be divided into two classes. One class is Illuminati themselves another class is the servants of Illuminati.
National or Race cultism
This type of cultism has several expose only one idea. The superiority of one race, nation or group over others. The cultists of national cultism provide the idea that their group is chosen by God or other supreme entity to rule over other groups. It means that they have no desire to be tolerant to other people if they do not share theirs believes. One of the examples of race cultism is KKK in the USA. They have the idea that the white race is chosen to be supreme over other races.
Effect of cultism in Nigeria
What is cultism and its effects?
Nigeria has a various cultic groups that have control over young minds of Nigerians. It creates a certain barrier in education and socialization of young people in the adult society. As it was mentioned earlier, young Nigerians have a desire to join the cult groups for various reasons. It`s connected not only to male students but also to female one. They seek the ways to integrate into the Nigeria society and get a quick path to the bright future. The most notorious cults amongst young people are next:
Black Axe
This cult was created by the neo-black students. The main goals for the students are to create and cultivate the strong body to provide the protecting to the cult. They respect only strength and provide protection its members. The cultist symbol of the community is the Axe. They have certain rules to the members, like no forgiveness, no betrayal, no condemn. If a person fails to follow the rules, he or she will suffer the consequences.
Air Lords
This cult group was also formed by the students, and the follow the ideas as self-development and independent group. They are known as the Brotherhood of discipline. Their cult symbol is the skull with crossbones.
Dedy Na debt
Another secret cult created in the student society of Nigeria. They believe in the demon that grants them power over other cults. It means that they have no debts to no one.
What is cultism and its effects?
The ideology of Ciao cults is pretty simple: revenge, gambling, secrecy and parties. They were created as the synthesis of the American and Italian Mafia background.
Kegite club
It`s another secret cult that stands above others as they do not follow the ideas of popularity, revenge, wealth or power. They believe in the harmony and unity between each other. They believe that ethnic groups are equal and it`s needed to share tolerance.
Women cult groups
Women cult groups are formed according to the examples of men cultist groups. They follow the ideas similar like in men communities – power, wealth, and popularity. The most notorious are Daughters of Jezebel and the Danselalso, Viqueens and Black Bra.
Consequences of Cultism
Cultism and cultist groups are created to provide some source of security. Nevertheless, the consequences of joining the cult are dire. Media keep sending messages about hundreds of thousands of death people due to cultic activity. People who join cults will separate themselves from their parents, relatives, and loved ones. They are to be brainwashed and leave with no possession to survive in real world. They become slaves to cults.
READ ALSO: List of secret societies in Nigeria
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