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Top ★ 10 forest reserves in Nigeria!

Take a look at the Top 10 forest reserves in Nigeria. This country is rich in flora and fauna. And we have to understand that most of these treasures of nature should be heavily guarded against anyone who tries to destroy them! Therefore, gives you top 10 of Nigerian sanctuary places.

Forest reserves in Nigeria and their locations

Top 10 Forest Reserves in Nigeria and their Locations

Top 10 Forest Reserves in Nigeria and their Locations

10. The Afi River Forest Reserve

10. The Afi River Forest Reserve

It`s one of the great examples of forest reserves in Nigeria that serves as a home for endangered species. The Afi River Forest Reserve is stationed in Cross River State. It`s considered to be one of the largest remaining forest reserves in the state. This reserve lies between the Mbe Mountains Community Forest and Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary. All of these areas are considered to be habitat areas for Cross River gorillas.

The Cross River gorilla is a critically endangered species. However, there have been reports about forest poachers in the Afi River Forest Reserve. Therefore, Cross River gorillas are still under attack and on the verge of extinction.

9. Akure Forest Reserve

9. Akure Forest Reserve

This forest reserve is located in the South-Western region of Nigeria. It covers a territory of over 66 square kilometers. It`s a relatively small area surrounded by a town. This does not mean you can’t find something interesting here. This reserve is filled with various animals, and it`s on the list of forest reserves protected on the international level.

8. Edumanom Forest Reserve

8. Edumanom Forest Reserve

It`s one of the forest reserves situated in the Niger Delta Region. It covers an area of 93 square kilometers. The Edumanom Forest Reserve is also known as one of the last habitat areas for chimpanzees in Nigeria. This area has been degraded by oil production industry. This has now posed a threat to the local wild life.

The Edumanom Forest Reserve is a shelter for various endangered species, like Niger Delta red colobus, olive colobus, Sclater monkeys and other animals.

7. Idanre Forest Reserve

7. Idanre Forest Reserve

The Idanre Forest reserve covers an area of over 561 square kilometers. The reserve is located in Idanre Local Government area. It`s also a home for endangered species of Nigeria. In addition, the reserve is on the list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

6. Ngel Nyaki Forest Reserve

6. Ngel Nyaki Forest Reserve

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The Ngel Nvaki Forest Reserve was established in 1969. It covers an area over 46 square kilometers. You can reach this reserve from Yelwa village. It’s only a one-hour walk. The area is the home for Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee. There are also other animals that live in that area:

– Double-toothed barbed;

– Cameroon olive pigeon;

– Green bulbul;

– Tantalus Monkey;

– Mona Monkey;

– Putty Nosed Monkey.

The Ngel Nyaki Forest Reserve is classified as an important birdlife area. There are 158 bird species in the reserve. The most endangered of them are Crossley`s Ground Thrush and Bannerman`s Weaver.

5. Oba Hills Forest Reserve

class="article-image" style="width:800px">5. Oba Hills Forest Reserve

This forest reserve is located in Osun State. It covers a territory over 52 square kilometers. According to reports by Elizabeth J. Greengrass, from her work with chimpanzees, the animals in the Oba hills Forest Reserve are in danger of extinction. Since 1999, there were reports about death of some of these chimpanzees. In addition, a 2009 report showed that the territory can no longer support the chimpanzees as their natural habitat area is too close to human plantations and farms.

4. Okumu Forest Reserve

4. Okumu Forest Reserve

It`s one of the biggest forest reserves in Nigeria. It covers an area of over 1081 square kilometers. The reserve is located about 50 km from Benin. The forest reserve offers an impressive bird-watching area. There are over 200 species of birds in the Okumu Forest Reserve. Okumu National Park which is near to the Okumu Forest Reserve is the perfect place for eco-tourism.

3. Oluwa Forest Reserve

3. Oluwa Forest Reserve

It`s one of the top 10 forest reserves in Nigeria situated in Ondo State. The area of the forest reserve is quite big and covers 829 square kilometers. This unique place is endangered as a result of hunting and poaching. There are also reports about farms in the area of the reserve. The most noticeable habitats of the area are chimpanzees and elephants.

2. Ise Forest Reserve

2. Ise Forest Reserve

This forest reserve is located in the south western part of Nigeria. It covers a territory of 142 square kilometers. The area is currently registered in the World Database of Protected Areas.

1. Okeluse Forest Reserve

1. Okeluse Forest Reserve

This forest reserve is located in the South Western region of Nigeria. It`s home to several endangered species. The total area of the reserve covers 144 square kilometers.

History of Forest Reserve in Nigeria

History of Forest Reserve in Nigeria

The colonial government of Nigeria started establishing forest reserve territories at the end of the 19th century. By the beginning of the 20th century, about 970 square kilometers had been given to forest reserves. By the end of the 1930s, about 30 thousand square kilometers were given to the reserves. In the 1970s, the forest reserve fund covered the area of 93,420 square kilometers.

Forest Reserve in Nigeria today

Forest Reserve in Nigeria today

Today the forestry is in great danger as all funds go towards the economic growth and the government has forgotten about ecology. The areas of forest reserves are not protected enough. Therefore, the population of endangered species does not grow in the Nigerian forest reserve areas. Without proper protection, the animals in the forest reserves are doomed!

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