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Top 10 up-to-date and promising jobs for young people

Top 10 up-to-date and promising jobs for young people

There’s a widespread belief that all professions are equally important. However, there are always those professions that enjoy the highest demand during a certain period. And the situation can always change drastically. US News & World Report regularly compiles lists of the best professions, which take into account a variety of indicators.

We have picked Top 10 jobs that young people most often want to get themselves sending their CV’s to large companies. We strongly believe that some of these jobs would be perfect for you too!

Top 10 up-to-date and promising jobs for young people

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1. Engineers

Top 10 up-to-date and promising jobs for young people

Because of the acute shortage of professional engineers, the technical specialists have been in great demand.

The combination of technical and economic or legal education is especially appreciated nowadays.

2. IT specialists and computer hardware developers

Top 10 up-to-date and promising jobs for young people

Computers today are essential elements of the workflow, so the market needs are 150% consistent with the desire of future IT specialists to realize their professional ambitions.

3. Trend-watchers

Top 10 up-to-date and promising jobs for young people

Trend-watchers monitor market trends and make efforts to beat competitors. In fact, this job combines the features of a:

4. Specialists in Biotechnology

Top 10 up-to-date and promising jobs for young people

Biotechnologies are used in molecular medicine, in biopharmaceutical industries and in other industries. To create new sources of nutrition or electronic microbiology schemes,

biomedical scientists are in high demand today.

5. Marketing specialists

Top 10 up-to-date and promising jobs for young people

The market of goods and services is already overcrowded with brands. And that’s why competent marketing specialists are always in demand. They are a kind of the company’s strategy planners and mediators between the interests of producers and consumers.

6. Customer service specialists

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Today it is not enough to offer high-quality goods and sell them – it is important to provide comprehensive support to the consumer, and, as a result, companies pay due attention to the selection of young professionals of customer service.

7. Doctors and biotechnologists

Top 10 up-to-date and promising jobs for young people

Skilled healthcare professionals are always needed. The growth of demand in this area is associated with the search for technologies that would enable prolonging lifespan.

Since numerous cellular technologies came into existence, the demand for biochemists and biotechnologists will also grow.

8. Chemists

Top 10 up-to-date and promising jobs for young people

Specialists in the field of chemistry, first of all, will be in demand in the energy sector: the biggest problem of the 21st century is the energy one.

However, the role of chemists in the field of medicine is also important: there is a shortage of qualified personnel in pharmaceutical industry as well.

9. Specialists in medical equipment

Top 10 up-to-date and promising jobs for young people

The demand for technicians to maintain and service electronic devices for hospitals will not be satisfied in the near future.

A technician doesn’t only repair these devices: he or she installs them, adjusts, teaches new healthcare workers how to handle new medical equipment.

Various devices are in their responsibility: from defibrillators and laser scalpels to CT-scanning devices.

In this sphere, we are looking for qualified:

10. Psychologists and personal consultants

Top 10 up-to-date and promising jobs for young people

Every self-respecting enterprise considers it necessary to have a regular psychologist in their staff while more and more people apply for private consultations.

Individual consultations are necessary today for people to consult about all kinds of questions: from diets to the choice of new clothes in the wardrobe. After all, a lot of people are already using the services of shoppers.

In the more distant future, there will be many new professions connected with the development of information and space technologies, computers, and energy. These jobs will include an:

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Top 10 up-to-date and promising jobs for young people

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