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What are 5 National Symbols of Nigeria?

Every country and nationality in the world has its unique national symbols. They help describe the ideals of the country and represent its culture, traditions and beliefs. You can learn some interesting facts about a nation from its emblems. Nigeria also has a lot to tell with its national symbols. Do you know what meaning is behind the national symbols of Nigeria? Here is the list of Nigerian national symbols. Find out some interesting information about your country.

Nigerian national symbols and their meaning

Nigerian National Symbol

Nigeria Flag: What Does it Mean?

The Flag of Nigeria

READ ALSO: Who Designed the Nigerian Flag?

The primary symbol of each country is its flag. This banner is one of the central Nigerian national symbols that represent the country. It was designed by a student, Taiwo Akinkunmi, in 1959. Mr. Taiwo Akinkunmi decided to enter a competition for the best Nigerian flag design and won. It’s a three-line flag with green lines on the sides and white in the middle. Green color stands for:

  • country’s wealth;
  • rich natural resources.

While the meaning of the white color is:

The flag was raised at the Independence Day of Nigeria on 1st October 1960 for the first time.

Did you know that other flags cannot be raised higher than the Nigerian flag in the same room? You might also have noticed a hanging flag at a memorial or funeral of an important personality. One more interesting fact is that it should be raised at dawn and lowered at sunset. But once a flag is damaged or torn, it should be burnt or destroyed.

Nigerian National Anthem: the Song of the Country

The national anthem is a symbol that can move millions of hearts. The first anthem of Nigeria was written in 1960. Later the government of Nigeria decided to change it and announced a competition for the national anthem. The committee chose five winners and combined their entries into one. “Arise, O Compatriots” was composed in 1978. The music of Nigerian anthem was composed by Mr. Ben Odiase, the director of the Nigeria Band.

It is considered to be the most important symbol of any country, as the anthem unites all Nigerians into one sovereign state. And that is its meaning and purpose.

Watch a video at the end of the article and listen to the national anthem of Nigeria.

The Nigerian Coat of Arms

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READ ALSO: Nigeria Coat Of Arms Meaning

Take a look at the picture. What you’re seeing is the Nigerian Coat of Arms, one more national symbol that carries profound meaning. It was created and adopted in May 1960. The Coat of Arms consists of the images that express different meanings:

  • Black shield and colourful wreath over the shield stand for fertile soil of Nigeria;
  • White horses mean dignity;
  • Red Eagle is for the strength of the nation;
  • White lines in the “Y” shape stand for two main rivers of Nigeria: Benue and Niger;
  • Yellow Trumpet or Costus Spectabilis is the national flower of Nigeria. The flower is placed on the ground where the shield is standing. It represents the beauty of the country and its nation;
  • “Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress” line beneath the shield is the Nigerian national motto. It was adopted in 1978. The purpose is to inspire the nation to be united, faithful, live in peace and grow, become wiser and stronger.

The National Flower of Nigeria: Costus Spectabilis

The National Flower of Nigeria: Yellow Trumpet

The national flower of the country is Costus Spectabili, in other words, it is Yellow Trumpet. The flower is painted on the Coat of Arms but for an inexplicable reason, the flowers are painted red. The flower is lovely and can be found all over the country. It symbolizes the beauty of the nation, its uniqueness, and prosperity.

The National Pledge: a Solemn Promise

The words of the Nigerian national pledge are said by millions of children every day at schools before lessons. In 1976, Prof. Felicia Adebola wrote the pledge that was aimed at teaching every citizen of the country to honour and serve it in the best way possible.

The article provides a list of Nigerian national symbols and their significance. These are one of the major emblems and signs that represent Nigeria as a sovereign country, its beauty and cultural heritage of the nation.

READ ALSO: Why Nigerians Should Respect National Symbols



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