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Physiotherapy methods & goals – All you should know

Do you know the meaning of the term “physiotherapy treatment”? This is a very broad concept and we will talk about it more. What is physiotherapy? Stay on this page to find out!

What is physiotherapy treatment?

What is physiotherapy?

What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a field of medicine that studies the effect of natural factors on the body. Treatment with the use of natural factors can reduce the number of pharmacological medicine needed by the patient. Moreover, in some cases, it helps remove the need totally. Medications have many side effects and can cause adverse symptoms and reactions. Physical factors are safely perceived by the body. They allow achieving significant success in the treatment of a variety of diseases.

Physical therapy is an integral part of the rehabilitation period after severe injuries, as well as a a cure for chronic diseases of various organs. Physiotherapy is actively developing. Today, there are many different methods that allow beneficial effects both on the body as a whole and on local problem areas.

Phisiotherapy society

Experts have written about the usefulness of using natural factors for the treatment of diseases. You probably know some of them – Hippocrates, Asklepiad, Galen, Plinny. These people successfully used massage techniques and therapeutic muds. By the way, they also used fishes which generate electric charge! Scientists of Ancient China developed methods of acupuncture and acupressure. The works of these great scientists laid the foundation for physiotherapy treatment.

In the Middle Ages, the doctors of the East, Byzantium, and Ancient Rus generalized the knowledge of the ancestors of science. They formulated its basic postulates and defined the methods of treating certain diseases. Moreover, these doctors defined the indications and contraindications for the application of certain natural factors in medical practice.

Physical therapy

By the beginning of the 20th century, these areas were concluded:

1. Collecting data.

2. Scientific explanation of the effect of natural factors on the body’s functions.

3. Monitoring the efficacy and safety of physiotherapy procedures.

All these achievements helped to combine the knowledge and works related to the applicable factors in medicine into a single clinical and scientific discipline – physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy treatment methods

Physiotherapy treatmant methods

Physiotherapy is one of the safest methods of treatment to date. It is one of the oldest curative and preventive medicine and can be divided into a number of sections. The most common sections are:

1. Electrotherapy.

2. Phototherapy (light therapy).

3. Thermotherapy.

4. Hydrotherapy.

5. Physical impact.

6. Climatotherapy.

7. Physiopharmacotherapy.

Methods of treatment

Each of these sections includes a number of isolated or complex treatment methods. They are based on the use of a particular physical factor. For instance, Hydrotherapy includes baths, shower baths, swimming, and underwater massage.

Phototherapy: ultraviolet, infrared radiation, visible radiation.


Physical impact: massage, mechanotherapy, manual therapy, physiotherapy, vibrotherapy, ultrasound.

Climatotherapy: heliotherapy, aerotherapy, speleotherapy, thalassotherapy. Speaking of other sections, we also have a few subsections.

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By reading this article, you already understood that physiotherapy always includes some kind of exercise. It must be specifically designed for your type of injury or illness. These exercises are also used to prevent future health problems. Exercise is something that you do in addition to your usual daily activity. It will improve your strength, flexibility, and coordination.

Physiotherapy involves making a change on how you do the usual activities to give you some health benefits. For example, choosing to take the stairs instead of elevators or walking from your bus stop to your home instead of taking a bike or driving.


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By the way, exercises also include:

– Stretching to reduce stress on the joints;

– Core stability exercises to strengthen the muscles of your back and abdomen;

– Walking;

– Water aerobics and so on.

Water aerobics

For your convenience, your physical therapist will teach you how to do all these exercises on your own. In the case, you can do them at home. Also, you will learn how to prevent health problems.

Physiotherapy goals


The use of natural factors makes it possible to achieve maximum effect in the treatment of diseases and to reduce the risk of developing side effects. It helps to get rid of pathologies or to increase the time of remission between chronic illnesses. By the way, physiotherapy methods are used for preventive purposes. Such profession as physiotherapy is very popular in Europe, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

Who is a physiotherapist?

Who is a physiotherapist?

A physiotherapist is a doctor, who helps his patients recover from illnesses and injury. He is a specialist in the field of health who focuses in maximizing human movement, function, and potential. This doctor usually works with people after some kind of injuries, accident, or even surgery. His job is also to prevent injuries in the workplace or in sports clubs.

Physiotherapists can work in different conditions. They work in hospital, hospices, private clinics or nursing homes.


In July 2015 a law was passed in the UK. It protects the title “physical therapist” and “physiotherapist”. This law restricts its use in the United Kingdom to people who are entitled to register as a physical therapist with the Health Professions Council.

To receive a certificate to practice and register with the Health Professions Council, physiotherapists must study for three years to get a Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy. After the registration with the HPC, physical therapists need to maintain a portfolio which documents their continuing professional development, studies, and additional courses.

Types of physiotherapy

We can sum up that with a professional approach and follow the doctor’s recommendations for the patient to use of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment – it is absolutely safe. The impact of natural factors physiologically does not cause negative effects. Now you know not only definition of physiotherapy but a list of its functions and treatment methods. We hope this information will help you!

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