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Make your own ankara bags and shoes with these tips!

Today we will be talking about making things. Do you know anything about Ankara designs? There is a big variety of them. Let’s find out how to make Ankara bags and shoes!

How to make Ankara bags and shoes?

Ankara bags and shoe designs

Bags from Ankara

Ankara bags and shoe designs

The popularity of Ankara bags continues to grow every day. Many girls choose them for their outfits. These fabrics look simply flawless. You can create anything you want with them. Bags, wallets, purses – all these are integral parts of the appearance of a woman. With these things, she feels confident and beautiful.

Surely Ankara bags are fabulous. But there is one minus. These bags only go perfectly with dresses which are sewn from the same fabric as the bag. It may seem strange or ridiculous. But a true connoisseur of style will immediately understand that this is normal!

Ankara bags

It is a pity, but you will not see a large selection of Ankara bags in the markets. Mostly they are ordered from manufacturers or on the Internet. There are two types of Ankara bags – casual and evening.

Shoes from Ankara

Now it is time to discuss shoe designs. Ankara footwear is also known as African print shoes. They are as beautiful as these bags. Ankara shoes are loved around the world. There are so many trends that you will find a lot of great shoes for your outfit. The most popular variants are heels, flats, and sneakers.

Ankara heels

You can see that these shoes are fabulous. You can wear them with almost any outfit. In addition, Ankara shoes are also very comfortable.

Ankara bags and shoes are always in trend. If you choose the right outfits you will definitely look stunning.

How to make Ankara bags and shoes

Ankara bags and shoes

A lot of women wish to make Ankara bags by themselves. They don’t want to spend too much money. Let’s find out how to do it.

What do you need:

1. An old bag.

2. Ankara fabric.

3. Glue.

4. Knife.

5. Scissors.

Ankara clutch

You can use an old one bag to refashion something new. Remove all the clamps and zippers from it. If you can’t do it with your hands, use the knife. Remember not to break them. You will need those clamps.

If the material of your handbag is shabby or flaky then these limitations must be removed. Don’t forget to cut the clutch lining. Just cut the seams open to clip the drapery over the edge and glue it inside between the insert and the purse material.

Handmade bag

Then choose the Ankara fabric you would like to use. Measure it on the bag. It is important to know the size of the fabric and how the prints will be placed on the bag. You need to sort of wrap the clutch in the material. Record the size by putting some marks on the cloth.

Then open the clutch and fasten the fabric over the upper part. Go all the way around the bag to the other side. Be sure to leave about 5 cm extra material on each side. At this stage, cut out the textile.

Measure the fabric

If you have hot glue, you can use it. But the usual transparent universal adhesive is also suitable for fabric. Just make sure you do not use instant glue. Now, begin to glue the cloth from the lower edge that you cut loose. Leave some extra material at the top for clamping over the edge. Spread the gum on the front part of your bag. Glue the textile. Then fix the measurement and glue it between the clutch textile and the lining. Make a crisp bend, add some more adhesive and don’t forget to pull the fabric to avoid wrinkles.

Now you need to cut the over measure strips on the sides of your purse. The top edge should fit well inside the handbag.

Now smear the rest of the bag with adhesive and glue the fabric.

As you remember, you have cut loose all the bag’s lining. Now you must roll the over measure over the part with the holds fixes. Apply glue inside. Then hide this distance between the lining and the material of the bag.

Homemade bags

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The next step is to affix the sides of your purse. You can cut off the bottom part of the fabric. Apply the gum to the clutch side. Now glue the fabric. Are you tired? We will finish soon. But the result will be nice we think.

Start gluing

Now you need to find and cut the clamp openings which are glued over the Ankara fabric.

Put the clamps back on

Cut pieces can be glued only after inserting the clamps. So apply gum inside the purse and fasten the lining (all the edges of fabric will be hidden inside). And look what you have done! What do you think?

How to make Ankara shoes?

The last step

We have learned one useful tip and now it is time for one more. How to make Ankara shoes? Let’s find out!

Things made by your hands are usually very unique. So we will make unique shoes that will set you apart from everyone. The method is very simple to understand!

Necessary material:

1. Ankara fabric.

2. Adhesive.

3. A pair of your old shoes.

4. Razor.

5. Scissors.

6. Gloves (if you want to protect your hands).


And of course, you will need some patience and creativity! It is time to begin. Follow the turn-by-turn guide. Some steps that will be described with procedures you may not need to perform. This all depends on the type of shoes you choose.

First, cut out enough fabric. Grease the shoes with glue well. Remember to press firmly so that the glue spreads evenly. Now cover every inch of the shoe with fabric (do not forget to iron the fabric before using it). Cut the fabric neatly. With the help of your fingers smoothen it over the shoes. There must be no “lumps”.

New pair of shoes

Everything seems to be ready, isn’t it? You can be proud of yourself. Do not forget to show off your fun shoes to your friends and relatives!

One more piece of advice – do both shoes at the same time. It is better to do everything slowly but surely to get the perfect result.

Ankara bags and shoes for sale

Ankara bags and shoes for sale

You can buy any bag or shoes in Nigeria online. Ankara designs are very popular in the country! As it has been mentioned, every fashionista wants to have a new Ankara bag or pair of shoes which will last her long! You can find anything you like! Bags with short, long straps, over the shoulder, big bags. High or low heels – anything you want!

But sometimes women want to make some things with their hands. This will end up saving you some money. Others might simply be very creative and do not want anything that is too common. They want something that no one else can find in markets.

You can make your unique thing with your own hands. Put in the effort and time. The result will be totally worth it!

READ ALSO: Ankara peplum top and skirt: how to rock them?



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