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What is NUBAN number and how can I get it?

It is important to know the main aspects of your banking account in order to manage it properly. One of the most essential things that you need to know is the Nuban account number, or as it is commonly known- NUBAN number.


What is Nuban?


First of all, let’s cover the meaning of Nuban. NUBAN is an acronym that stands for Nigeria Uniform Bank Account Number. It is a 10-digit Bank account numbering system. It was created in 2011.

The Nuban account number has become quite common today, even though the traditional longer account numbering structures still exist. The number is in line with the well known requirements of the West Africa Monetary Institute.

Today, every bank in Nigeria is required to have a unique NUBAN code for every customer account. And when we say “every” we mean:

– Current accounts;

– Saving accounts;

– Deposit accounts, etc.

The NUBAN number has to be in the customer records database of the bank. The number is usually during different services that are provided by the bank. Basically, any interaction with the customer requires there to be a NUBAN account number.

The NUBAN number is an individual number generated for each active customer of various banks (including the Central Bank of Nigeria). The numbers have been active since May 24, 2011.



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Why do bank customers need NUBAN? The reasons are clear – it can be easily managed both by the employees of the bank and the customers. It is quite difficult to make a mistake while quoting the account numbers, which is a common problem with traditional longer account numbers.

How to get GTB NUBAN account number?


Many of our readers use GTBank and may be curious about how to get their NUBAN number. It is quite simple, and you don’t need to go to the bank or even the nearest ATM terminal. In order to do it, you just need either to send an email or an SMS.

If you prefer SMS:

1. Select the “Create New Text Message” or “Create New Message” on your phone;

2. Type “myaccount”;

3. Enter the number 08076665555 to the “sent to” box.


If you want to send an email, then follow the same steps. It is quite easy, isn’t it? Wait a few minutes, and you will get a message with your full name and account number.

Knowing your NUBAN number is quite important, so go and check out what it is. Now that you know the meaning of NUBAN, it is easier to make any bank transactions.

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