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What foods go straight to your hips? – Check out the best diet

The age of skinny is over, and big hips are definitely in right now. But how to get bigger hips if Mother Nature did not bestow luscious forms upon you? We have an answer for you! Continue reading for a method of how to increase hips size naturally at home and a list of foods that go straight to your hips (in a good way). You will know more about hips enlargement in no time.

Hips enlargement food

Hips enlargement food has always been easily accessible. However, not so long ago most people, especially women, tried to stay away from it out of fear of gaining too much weight. Now that the age of booty is upon us, all of the thick girls can rejoice, but what should skinny ladies do? And how to get hips without getting fat everywhere?

The answer is the right foods and exercise. The exercise plan is a whole other topic, so we want to focus on telling you what and how much you should eat. Here are the foods (or rather food groups) that work great for getting bigger hips. Stay tuned for the sample diet at the end of this article.

What to eat to get bigger hips?


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Proteins are not only for bodybuilders. They are very important in the process of getting bigger hips. They are generally important for the proper functioning of your body. Therefore, you should definitely add them to your meals, if you haven’t already. Protein can be found in large quantities in the following products:

Protein powder. This is the most protein-packed option on the list and it can be found in any sports store. You can add it to your food or make a shake (blend with water). Protein shakes are actually very tasty!

Kidney beans. This type of beans contains a lot of nutrients, but it can be toxic in its raw state or if you cook it wrong.


Chickpeas (garbanzo beans). Another bean that is also very nutritious, contains lots of fiber and protein, as well as plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Soya (or soy). You can get soya in various forms: soy protein (perfect for vegetarians), tofu, soy sauce, soymilk, soybean oil and soy flour. This option could also be a good reason to try out some Asian (especially Japanese) recipes.

Cottage cheese. This dairy product it not only nutritious, but also very tasty. You can eat it on its own, or add some yogurt, or sour cream, fresh berries and sugar. There are many delicious recipes with cottage cheese, so be sure to check them out.

Eggs. Eggs contain an enormous amount of nutrients: folate, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, vitamins A, B2, B5, B12, K, E, D.


Chicken filet. White meat of the chicken is high in protein and low on carbs. It is great for making your hips bigger.

Salmon. This delicious food is rather expensive but totally worth it. It contains vitamins B12 and D, as well as omega-3 and selenium.

Tuna. This fish is not only good for growing your hips, but also for your overall health, especially the heart.

Turkey. Turkey’s meat is full of iron, phosphorus, potassium, protein and zinc. There is also niacin and Vitamin B6.

Extra lean beef. Unlike its regular counterpart, lean beef has very little fat, but it still has the same amount of protein. This way, it will help you build muscles and not fat.

As you might have noticed, most of these options are not vegetarian or vegan-friendly. However, you can always find substitutes for meat, fish and other animal products. You can also just stick to beans if you like.


brown rice

It is time to bring carbs back into your diet. However, you should not eat just any carbs. Better to stick to healthy and natural options:

Brown rice. Much healthier than white rice, brown rice is full of fiber and anti-oxidants. It is also good for your blood sugar levels.

Quinoa. Nine amino acids, protein and no gluten — these are the main selling points of quinoa. Even though it might smell a little weird while you cook it, it is actually very tasty.

Oats. This food will help you not to gain unnecessary weight, at the same time helping to guide the needed kilograms to the right places.

Brown bread. It is a more palatable and healthier

counterpart of white bread.

Sweet potatoes. This food contains lots of carbs, which is good, but you should not jump on it full force, as moderation is key.

Couscous. It is delicious, easy to make and does not take too long to prepare. It contains Vitamin B6, folic acid, niacin and riboflavin.

Cereals. Choose the healthier options with less sugar. It is a great breakfast option.

Good fats

various oils

Fat is not always bad, especially when you are trying to increase your hip size. Here are foods that have the right fats:

✦ Almond and/or peanut butter;

✦ Avocado;

✦ Canola oil;

✦ Fish oil;

✦ Flaxseed;

✦ Olive and/or sunflower oil

✦ Soybean oil and milk;

✦ Tofu;

✦ Various nuts (walnuts, almonds, macadamia, cashews and others).

These foods will help you keep your weight in check and not to gain any excess weight in places you do not want to see it.

Fruits and vegetables

fruits and vegetables

No diet would be complete without fruits and vegetables. They are healthy, rich in vitamins and other important elements and, most of all, they are delicious. The only thing you should worry about is that mangoes, bananas and potatoes might be a bit heavy, so eat those in moderation.

We have recounted the healthy foods for increasing the size of your hips. However, you might be wondering, isn’t junk food also great for growing hips?

Well, the short answer is yes, it does. However, it might not be the result you want. Junk food didn’t gain its name for nothing. It is just empty calories and little to no nutrients and vitamins. Yes, it will go straight to your hips, but it will also go everywhere else. Of course, if you want to get thicker hips, you don’t have to stay away from junk food completely. Just be aware that it is (obviously) not healthy, and that the weight you gain from it is much harder to control.

Sample diet for a bigger booty

sample diet

It is recommended for everyone who is concerned about their health to consume small meals six times a day. This advice also works for people that want a bigger booty. Below here is a sample diet you can use to start growing your hips.

Breakfast: It is always a great idea to start your morning with fruits. You should also have some brown bread and two egg whites.

Morning snack: Grab a light vegetable salad with olive oil, or have some Greek yogurt with fruits and berries.

Lunch: Fry or grill your chicken filet with vegetable as garnish.

Evening snack: Make yourself a tuna sandwich or a healthy PBJ (peanut butter and jelly sandwich) with wheat bread.

Dinner: Have a steak of lean beef with steamed or sautéed vegetables on the side.

Late night snack: Nothing too heavy before bed. Eat some berries and nuts, or drink a protein cocktail.

more food

After a workout, it is best to eat 10-30 g of protein and a quarter of your daily norm of carbs in one form or another. You can also count 0.8 g of carbs and around 0.3 g of protein-rich foods for every kilogram of your weight and consume them during the day.

You should definitely not forget about the workout. It is extremely hard or even downright impossible to control your weight and its distribution without physical exercise. It does not have to be extremely challenging or exhausting. You can always just stick to simple squats and sit-ups.

And there you go. If you stick to the foods we have listed above, as well as have some exercise, you should be able to see the positive results in no time! We hope this article will help you get the hips you have always wanted.

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