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Top facts from the biography of Kanu Nwankwo's wife

Are you interested in details of Kanu Nwankwo wife biography? Is her early marriage a happy one? The hottest facts are here!

Amara Nwankwo

Amarachi Nwankwo

Amarachi Nwankwo is the wife of a famous Nigerian ex-football player and former Arsenal player Kanu Nwankwo. There is not much information about her life on the Internet. Who is she? How old is Kanu Nwankwo’s wife? It is known that Amara, a Nigerian by birth, was born in May, 1986. She married the famous football player at a very young age. Amarachi and Kanu dated for some time before getting married.

Kanu Nwankwo and his wife Amara Nwankwo

Kanu Nwankwo and Amarachi Nwankwo

Amarachi Nwankwo early marriage

The wedding ceremony took place in December 2004, in Imo State, Nigeria. In addition to the couple’s friends and relatives, the marriage was attended by football players, teammates of Kanu Nwankwo and famous people in Nigeria. The difference in age between the bride and groom was ten years.

Amarachi Nwankwo, the wife of football legend Kanu Nwankwo

Before the wedding, there were some gossips about them. People said the girl’s parents forced the daughter to marry at a very young age. It was stated that the reason was the money and status of the famous football player. But many years have already passed since then. The couple has three children: two sons and a daughter, and they are still happy together. In her interviews, Amarachi repeatedly claimed that she married for love and had sincere feelings for her husband.

Kanu Nwankwo wife

Indeed, there are some cases in Africa where girls are given away in marriage by force at an earlier age then Amara, and they do not have the opportunity to even get a secondary education.

Kanu and Amarachi Nwankwo with their sons

Kanu Nwankwo and Amara Nwankwo with their sons

Amara education and professional experience

As for Amarachi, she received a comprehensive higher education, even though she was married. She has a first degree in Architecture. She also received a diploma before the birth of her daughter. In addition, the young woman is studying for her MBA.

Kanu Nwankwo wife - Amara

Kanu Nwankwo wife also has some experience with several of the best architecture companies in London. The wife and mother performs her duties diligently, and she has little time for her family. Now Amarachi plans to organize

her business of interior design and work on a schedule convenient to her. While doing her favorite thing, she can fully apply her knowledge and use the experience she has gained.

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Kanu and Amara Nwankwo with their children

Kanu and Amara Nwankwo with their sons and daughter

Family life

It’s not easy to be a football player’s wife. Especially, when your husband is such a world-famous player. Before her marriage, the Amara was not sure what to do and certainly, she was not a football fan. But then everything changed. Being fully involved in football life, Amarachi has learned to support her husband, rejoice at his successes and empathize with his failures. For any man, support and care of his wife and his family are very important.

Kanu and Amarachi Nwankwo with their daughter

Although Amara married at a relatively early age, she already had the true feminine wisdom that helped her to keep the marriage strong and made the family happy.

The top priority in the life of Mrs. Nwankwo is considered to be her husband and children. She gives them the lion’s share of her time. Beyonce is an inspirational example for Amarachi, who perfectly combines work and family care.

The happy couple Kanu and Amara Nwankwo

About her husband, Amara says that he shows his devotion to her and children not with words, but with deeds. It’s exactly what a real man should do.

Kanu Nwankwo and his wife have real estate in Owerri, Arochukwu and Ikoyi. They say the couple has a property in Opebi, Lagos too.

Amara Nwankwo with her daughter

Amarachi Nwankwo and her daughter

You can get married at 30 years old and be unhappy. You can marry at 18 and get a caring husband, beautiful children, education and even open your own business. Everything depends on your ability to build a relationship correctly, as well as to love and respect the man who stands by you.

Mrs. Amarachi Nwankwo is 31 years old now. She everything she needs for a happy life. The beautiful photos of Amara and her family confirm this statement.

READ ALSO: Photos:After 10 Years Together, Kanu Nwankwo And Wife Celebrates Birthday



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