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Top 3 Igbo soups recipes ☛ you need to try

Igbo soups are delicious! If you want to try something really African, this is what you need to try! All you need to do is follow one of the following recipes. Do not miss top 3 super recipes from Nigeria! Let`s start cooking together!

Igbo soups in Nigeria: 3 recipes you need to try

Igbo White Soup

Igbo soups in Nigeria: 3 recipes you need to try

Igbo White soup has another name! It`s called Ofe Nsala soup or just Nsala Soup. People call it ‘White’ soup because of its extremely light color! One of the unique ingredients for this soup is the Catfish. Still, you can cook Igbo white soup with just usual fish. Do not miss your chance to cook one of the best Igbo soups in Nigeria!

Igbo White Soup ingredients

Igbo White Soup ingredients

– Salt;

– Two cubes of Knorr or any other seasoning;

– Chili pepper to taste;

– Chopped onions (one teaspoon);

– Iru or Ogiri (one teaspoon);

– Ground Crayfish (one teaspoon);

– Utazi Leaves chopped (one teaspoon);

– Yam powder or five raw Yam cubes;

– One Catfish.

– Chicken pieces (at least five);

– Dried fish or stock fish

This is how to prepare Igbo traditional soups!

How to prepare Igbo traditional soups! Igbo white soup!

Step 1

The following ingredients are needed to be cooked beforehand:

– Chicken;

– Beef;

– Dried Fish.

Just cook the meat and fish in separate pans with onions, salt and seasoning cubes. Set aside when the meat and fish are done!

Step 2

You need to peel and cook the yam cubes. Then pound until you achieve a smooth paste. You can use a mortar for this. If you don`t have any mortar, then try a blender for this process. If you have some Yam powder – you can just mix this with some hot water. Stir the substance until you get a thick paste. Set this paste substance aside.

White Soup Nigeria

Step 3

Wash the Catfish and put it into a pot. Do not forget to cover it with enough water. After that, you just need to cook it for 15 minutes.

Step 4

Now you can add the following ingredients to this soup:

– Cooked meat or fish;

– Yam Paste;

– Crayfish;

– Ogiri or Iru;

– Pepper.

Leave Igbo white soup until the yam paste is dissolved.

Step 5

Your last ingredient are the Utazi Leaves. You should let them simmer for 30 seconds. Do not forget that it`s an optional ingredient.

That`s all that you need to do. Now your Igbo White soup is ready! Just serve it with pounded yam!

How to prepare Igbo Oha Soup?

How to prepare Igbo Oha Soup?

It`s not the Igbo vegetable soup we want to prepare today! It`s what is known as the Oha soup! It`s one of the Igbo traditional soups eaten in the South East states of Nigeria. Only one element differs it from Bitterleaf soup! This element is the Oha leaves! Let`s dive into this Igbo soups recipe!

Oha Soup Ingredients

Oha Soup Ingredients

– Oha leaves;

– Ogiri (one teaspoon);

– Stock cubes (Maggi or Knorr);

– Dry or Stock Fish;

– Beef (or shaki);

– Red Palm Oil (three cooking spoons);

– Corms of cocoyam (eight pieces).

Before you start cooking Igbo traditional soups!

Before you start cooking Igbo traditional soups!

– Ogiri Igbo provides a special traditional taste to the soup. Still, this ingredient is optional.

– Instead of cocoyam corms – use cocoyam flour.

– Oha is something that must be included in this soup!

– Grind and mix the pepper and crayfish.

– Boil the cocoyam till it

becomes soft. Pound it into a smooth paste.

– Cut the Oha leaves into tiny pieces.

Igbo Oha Soup Cooking Directions

Igbo Oha Soup Cooking Directions

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– Boil the shaki together with stock dry fish in a pot. Do not forget to cover them with enough water. Boil until they are soft and tender!

– Add all your beef to the pot with shaki and stock fish. Continue cooking until they are done. You should also add two stock cubes. Continue cooking for five minutes more!

– Now you can add your crayfish, Ogiri Igbo (optional) and pepper. Cook them all together for ten more minutes.

– Add the cocoyam paste along with the palm oil.

– Now you can leave the pot until the cocoyam paste is dissolved. You can add more water if your Igbo Oha Soup is too thick.

– Add Oha Leaves and cook for five more minutes!

– Now you just need to add some salt and stir your soup until it`s ready!

You can serve Igbo soups in Nigeria with Cassava, Semolina or Garri!

How to prepare Igbo Egusi soup?

How to prepare Igbo Egusi soup?

It`s one of the Igbo soups you will really like! It is such a great soup that we had it to our top 3 igbo soups list. There was another contender for this list. It was the Igbo pepper soup. This soup is also very tasty, but, in our humble opinion, Igbo Egusi soup is much better! Let`s try to cook it!

There are several methods to cook this soup. Still, the most preferable is what is called the ‘caking’ method. Let`s look at the ingredients for one of the Igbo traditional soups!

Igbo Egusi Soup Ingredients

Igbo Egusi Soup Ingredients

– Ogiri Okpei (one piece);

– Stock Cubes;

– Bitter leaves/spinach or Nigerian pumpkin leaves;

– Ground Crayfish (three tea spoons);

– Dry/stock fish;

– Beef and Shaki

– Red Palm Oil (two teaspoons);

– Egusi seeds (700g);

– Salt and pepper to taste.

Igbo Egusi Soup Preparations

Igbo Egusi Soup Preparations

– You need to soak your Dry Fish for at least half an hour. You can soak it in a pot with some warm water.

– When your stock fish is soft – you can debone it and break into chunks;

– Grind Egusi with a dry mill.

– Grind the dry pepper and the crayfish.

– Wash and cut the vegetables you intend to use.

– Boil Dry fish and Shaki in a pot. Do not forget to cover it with enough water. Cook Shaki and Dry fish until they are ready.

– Wash the beef and cook it in a pot till it`s done!

Igbo Egusi Soup Cooking Directions

Igbo Egusi Soup cooking

– Remove the meat, fish and shaki from the stock (water you used for cooking these ingredients) and place into a different pot!

– Add your ground egusi to the stock.

– Cover the stock and cook till egusi cakes. Now you can stir egusi and add some more water.

– You should repeat the previous step until you see the clear egusi oil on the soup`s surface. This process will take about 25 minutes.

– You can add the bitter leaves and red palm oil. Cook the mixture for seven minutes.

– You can now add meat and fish plus the pumpkin leaves.

– Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir for two more minutes.

– You can now turn off the heat.

– Leave your soup to stand for 5 minutes.

You can now serve Igbo Egusi soup!

You can now serve Igbo Egusi soup!

That`s all that you need to know about our top 3 best Igbo soups in Nigeria! Follow our Igbo soups recipe and enjoy tasty Igbo traditional soups!

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