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Top 10 quickly selling goods in Nigeria in 2017

Are you thinking of starting a business and you don’t know what products to market? Let us help you with the list of some fast selling products in Nigeria 2017 we believe you can look into.

Shoprite mall in Nigeria

Fast moving consumer goods are products that we use almost every day. These goods sell quickly and their prices are not so high. The other type of products we have are the durable goods which are the major and big appliances we use at home and also daily.

We would like to emphasize one major difference between fast moving consumer goods and durable goods. Fast moving consumer goods have a very short shelf life i.e. they can be used up quickly or deteriorates faster. This means that because we will always need them, we’ll always have to keep buying them. Durable goods are those appliances and products that are used for a long time, most often years, before they are replaced.

Below, we will be looking at some high demand products in Nigeria. So, if you want to start your own business you can consider some from the list.


List of fast moving consumer goods in Nigeria


Wholesale foodstuff business in Nigeria is one of the thriving business even in the face of economic recession. Why? Because food is a necessity for good health and life. Everyone needs to eat every day. There is no need to start mentioning all the foods one after the other. We all know the basic foods Nigerians consume daily. So, if there is any product you want to start a business with, you should consider foodstuffs.


Well, we all know why water is a fast-moving consumer good. Water is very important for our everyday living. Most Nigerian homes, offices, schools etc. don’t have access to clean water. So, a lot of people have become successful by providing and marketing clean water. It can be in sachet or bottles. Quite a number of people are in the business already but you can also join in.

READ ALSO: Top essential consumer goods every home must have


Beverages and processed food

We have decided to group these two together because they often go hand in hand. In most cases, you need a beverage to accompany a processed food. Processed food include things like sausage rolls, plantain or potato chips, cakes, biscuits, chin-chin, etc. There are also processed food or packaged food that need cooking e.g. noodles, spaghetti, macaroni, etc. Beverages are liquid drinks which include milk, juice, soft drinks, coffee, beer etc. All these products are in high demand daily. A lot of people can’t go a day or two without some of these processed drinks. Processed food is also needed for lunch snacks while some people are just addicted to them. So, these are another group of products you might want to consider to make that extra income you desire.

Cosmetics and grooming products

Most women make use of cosmetics and other products for cleaning and maintaining their face. They use them daily and they even carry them around in their bags. There are numerous brands like Mary Kay, Elf, Black Opal, etc. So, as long as women exist, cosmetics and grooming products will always be a fast moving consumer good.

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Computer and phone accessories

Computer and phone accessories like headphones, screen protector, memory cards, flash drives, external hard drives, modem, phone cases etc. are also part of fast selling products in Nigeria. For every user of technology, computers and mobile devices are not complete without their accessories.

Detergents, soaps, and toiletries

We all make use of these things daily. We need soaps to take our bath when we wake up and before we sleep. Detergents are used to wash our dirty stuffs, clothes, and utensils, and toiletries to maintain hygiene. All these products are fast moving consumer goods and we can’t do without them.

Electronic gadgets and mobile devices

Electronic gadgets are one of the fastest selling products in Nigeria. Although they can be classified as durable but they also sell fast. This is because most people like to change and upgrade their gadgets almost every year as new ones are being released into the market. This is very important for most Nigerian as they try to keep up with the latest technology. This also helps them earn some bragging rights and class among peers.

Gadgets and accessory store

Power Banks

Power banks are one of the fast-selling products in Nigeria due to the problem of unstable power supply and outage. Almost everyone with a mobile device needs one so that they can charge their batteries on the move or if there is no power.

Hair extensions

A lot of Nigerian ladies nowadays need hair extensions as most of the vogue hairstyles require them. Both hair weave-on and wigs are constantly in high demand.

Baby care products and clothing

Baby care products are also products that sell quickly because they are in high demand for two reasons. The first reason has to do with the number of babies that are born each year. The second is that baby products have a short shelf life because they have to use very hygienic products regularly and also because babies grow rapidly in their early years. Products like diapers, creams, soap, baby foods, toiletries etc. are needed every day to take care infants. If you’ve got the money, wholesale supply of baby products is something you can consider.

Baby care products

We hope you enjoyed going through our list of high demand products in Nigeria and you have been able to decide on the product or business you would like to go into. If you have not, just look into your environment and you will understand what people need and you can supply them with these products. Wish you all the best.

READ ALSO: Foodstuff business in Nigeria



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