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This is why we need civic education in Nigerian schools

Are all subjects taught in Nigerian schools equally important? Check out the importance of civic education in Nigerian schools and see how to teach your child to be a really decent citizen of the Nigerian nation.

Civic education in Nigerian schools

According to a research conducted in 2009, only 34% of 1200 students in Nigeria were aware of civic education, the other 66% didn’t know anything about the subject. So, the problem is clear, not every school provides its students with this crucial subject, or perhaps, teachers just don’t know what to teach their students this topic. It is, however, clear that the importance of civic education in Nigerian schools can’t be understated. Let’s plunge deeper into this topic and see the meaning, definition, and importance of civic education.

Importance of civic education in Nigerian schools

What is civic education?

Civic education is bringing awareness about the legal culture, clear civic position, readiness for conscious and voluntary service to our nation’s people. We understand civic education as the tool that helps in the formation of a citizen who is able and willing to live in a civil society and is also aware of the state of law.

Meaning and definition of civic education

The ultimate goal of civic education is the attainment of a level of individual consciousness that can be characterized approximately like this: “The fate of my nation, my state, my own fate, my relatives fate depends on what and how I do, how I behave and what I vote for; I am answerable for everything what I do, I must do everything according to the law and conscience”.

Civic education - book

Importance of civic education in our society

The main goal of civic education is the formation of citizenship as an integrative quality of any individual, which includes internal freedom and respect for state power, love for Motherland and the desire for peace, self-esteem and discipline, a harmonious manifestation of patriotic feelings and culture of interethnic communication.

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Civic education as a person’s quality is determined both by subjective efforts of teachers, parents, social organizations, and by objective conditions – state system features and level of legal, political, and moral culture.

civic education schools

The system of methods and forms of Civic education:

– formation of civic consciousness;

– organizing civil activities;

– stimulating civil behavior;

– civil qualities control and self-control.

education schools

Dimensions of civic education

• Civic knowledge;

• Civic skills;

• Civic dispositions.

Why is civic education important?

The life of each family is also a part of the life of a country as a whole. When it comes to citizenship education, it is important that the family lives in the same time rhythm as the nation. So, each family goals, aspirations, and efforts must coincide with the Nigerian nation aspirations, goals, and issues.

Citizenship is a feeling of inseparable connection with the people, state, and responsibility for its safety. To educate a citizen means to prepare the person to participate in the process of solving serious and long-term tasks of the state, to perform the functions of a worker and owner, leader and executor, public figure and defender of his/her country.

Nigerian schools

In addition, citizenship education for children positively influences a sense of their parents’ citizenship. Trying to bring up decent Nigerian citizens, parents are forced to improve constantly as regards to their own civic qualities.

Importance of civic education in Nigerian schools

You can’t do away without civic education because of the fact that a child will be taught how to behave in society in order to become its fully fledged member. Here are main things that you or your child will find out at Civic education lessons.

– Personal rights;

– Political rights;

– Economic rights.

You would be instructed in ways to understand your duties towards the society you live in. They include:

– Personal responsibilities;

– Civic responsibilities.

Now you understand the importance of civic education in Nigerian schools, so we hope that you will try to popularize this subject for school learning and will tell your children about the importance of citizenship education in our modern society.

READ ALSO: Opinion: Education investments paying Off – Semiu Okanlawon



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