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Exclusive: Prospective journalist loses life to dreaded cult group in Ikorodu (photos, video)

– A family has shared the horrifying things the dreaded Badoo cult group did to them

– The family lost two children to the cult group in Ikorodu

A recent attack by the dreaded Badoo cult group in Ikorodu area of Lagos state has left a family in sheer pains and untold sorrow.

The menace of the group which has been difficult to overpower has become somewhat of a threat to the lives of the people living in the region.

Mr. Ademola Oriade and his wife had no premonition they would become victims of the attack, even though they had heard about one of their neighbours who was murdered in cold blood.

EXCLUSIVE: How Badoo cult gang killed prospective journalist in Ikorodu (photo, video)

The father of the children killed by Badoo. Photo credit: Emmanuel Osodi.

On December 24, 2016, the messengers of death visited the family and their four children (2 boys and 2 girls) were immediately pounced upon by the killers, sadly, only two of them survived the ordeal.

The lady killed had dreams of studying mass communication and being a journalist in the nearest future. All that changed for the family as soon as they were attacked by the cult group.

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Following this, tension enveloped the family and they could no longer sleep for fear of being revisited by the assailants.

EXCLUSIVE: How Badoo cult gang killed prospective journalist in Ikorodu (photo, video)

X-ray showing the extent of the injury inflicted on the other members. Photo credit: Emmanuel Osodi.

My wife cries everyday since the incident occurred and even though I try to pacify her, it has not been easy for us,” Mr. Oriade started, looking really sober.

“My eldest daughter and a 14-year-old boy were killed by these men and I have been heartbroken ever since.

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The man and the other members of his family. Photo credit: Emmanuel Osodi.

“Even as a man, I find it difficult to handle the pain and sorrow associated to the death of those children.

“We had been hearing lots of tales about these killers, but never for once thought it could happen to us,” he explained further.

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EXCLUSIVE: How Badoo cult gang killed prospective journalist in Ikorodu (photo, video)

The area where the man and his family lives. Photo credit: Emmanuel Osodi.

The wife, looking rather distraught, was all shades of tears when she spoke with

It was more painful when, during the annual EID festival, there was nobody to take pictures for us at the praying ground.

EXCLUSIVE: How Badoo cult gang killed prospective journalist in Ikorodu (photo, video)

The area showing where the Badoo cult members struck. Photo credit: Emmanuel Osodi.

“The boy that died was the fairest of all my children and I loved him specially. Everyday, I keep asking myself… have they gone just like that?

Watch the TV video below to know more about the attack and see how devastated the family is:



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