For 77 days the Nigerian Air Force One has been in London after taking President Buhari out of the country for medical treatment.
What do you need to know about the Air Force One? Below are some interesting facts as revealed by Mr Ikenna Ezea in a Quora answer:
1. The Boeing 737NG BBJ (Boeing Business Jet) shown below is designated NAF 001 and is the assigned carrier of the President.
It was built on order in June 2005 and delivered to the Nigerian Air Force on 14th July 2005.
Presidential plane. Source: Ikenna Ezea, Quora
2. Mr Ikenna also said: “About it’s capabilities for self protection, no one would be able to tell you that because such information is always gonna be highly classified.
“All I can tell you is that it will definitely have protection against cyber attacks as that is a standard package provided with BBJs even those used by private owners.”
READ ALSO: APC denies Buhari’s plane parked at London airport
3. Speaking on engine capacity, he said:
“In terms of power, it is a custom built executive aircraft manufactured by the largest aircraft company in the world. Need I say more? Also, it has additional fuel tanks for extended intercontinental range.”
4. On security, he had this to say: “All I can tell you is that it will definitely have protection against cyber attacks as that is a standard package provided with BBJs even those used by private owners.
“As for protection from aerial and ground threats, one can’t say for sure, but I would hope so. Again, this information would never be revealed to the public until an incident requiring such protection happens to the aircraft then we would know for sure if it has any counter-measures to missiles, radar, etc or not.”
The Nigerian Air Force escorts the plane whenever it travels within Nigerian airspace.
Source: Fasasi Tosin Oladayo, Quora
READ ALSO: President Buhari’s aircraft allegedly spotted parked in London (photo)
5. Speaking on the ability of the aircraft to land in any country, he explains: “Finally, you asked if it can land in all countries.
“Yes, the aircraft was bought specifically for that reason, as the previous presidential jet, a Boeing 727Adv was not compliant with new EU noise regulations and thus was not permitted in European airspace, in fact, the President at the time – Olusegun Obasanjo – had to fly with British Airways (Nigeria didn’t, and still doesn’t have a National carrier airline).
“The 737BBJ was bought to enable the President fly to countries were regulations would exclude the 727 from entry. I believe that old aircraft is in storage in Malta or somewhere in Europe awaiting buyers/disposal.”
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