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A man of God or a man of science? – Dr. Paul Enenche's biography

Dr. Paul Enenche biography may be an example to follow for a lot of Nigerians. Together with his wife, they have managed to change lives of Nigerians. He is a man of science and a man of God. These two things make him different from other pastors. Let`s take a look at his life and family.

Dr. Paul Enenche

Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche Biography

Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche Biography

According to the Daily Mail Nigeria, this medical doctor has the power to save and deliver. Therefore, people rely on him when they lose hope in God. He is a good person right from youth. He is a speaker for various government organizations.

Dr. Paul is well-known for his direct speech style. According to him, it helps people to be free and and closer to God. Dr. Paul Enenche lives together with his wife Dr.Becky and four children in Abuja. This family came together to create the Dunamis International Gospel Centre.

Dunamis International Gospel Centre

According to Dr. Paul Enenche bio, he was born in Orokam, Benue State. His native ethnic group is the Idoma. Before he became a pastor in Nigeria, he was a practicing doctor in Benue State. However, his main goal in life was not to be just a doctor. Therefore, he traveled to Abuja to start up his church.

The Biography of Dr. Paul Enenche shows that he has only one wife – Dr. Becky Enenche. She is also a doctor, but now she is also a part of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre. The couple also has four children.

Dr. Paul Enenche career

Dr. Paul Enenche career

Dr. Paul Enenche established his Dunamis International Gospel Center on November 10, 1996. It`s interesting that according to Doctor Paul Enenche biography, the first church service was held at Abuja Centre for Arts and Culture. In only two weeks, the church service moved to Abuja Sheraton Hotel. After that, Dr. Paul Enenche provided church services for six months. It was in June 1997 that the church moved to its present site.

The church has a specific timetable of services. People could expect six services every Sunday and two services every Wednesday. On September 14, 2014, Dr. Paul Enenche announced the construction of the Lord`s Garden. Even Bishop David Oyedepo arrived at the Dunamis International Gospel Centre headquarters to lay a stone in the foundation of the project.

International Conference Centre

The International Conference Centre and Glory Dome situated in the Lord`s Garden had over seventy-five thousand seats. It was an ultra-modern project that was destined to unite several branches of the church.

Doctor Paul Enenche biography let us know that Paul Enenche wanted to be more than just a pastor. It was because of this that he created a Bible training programme. It`s currently known as the Dunamis School of Ministry. According to Doctor Paul Enenche, he wanted to create a Bible course to train future leaders and pastors. His wife, Dr. Becky came up with another idea for their church. Together they created the Seeds of Destiny. It`s a daily guide published monthly.

Dr Paul Enenche Paul Enenchebiography and family

Doctor Paul Enenche also created the Destiny College and Destiny Academy. He is a general overseer for these two institutions. He also founded Destiny Publications. Doctor Paul Enenche thought that it was not enough to create educational institutes and educational press for his followers. He entered the sphere of Radio and TV. The Church has its own satellite TV station in Nigeria.

satellite TV station

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According to Biography of Dr. Pst. Paul Enenche, the main idea of his TV and Radio stations is to evangelize the world. He also wants to teach people about the story of Jesus Christ. Today, he has a large audience of TV viewers. The data shows that he has over three million viewers in the world.

Dr. Paul Enenche was a big supporter of Goodluck Jonathan. The ex-president even visited the Dunamis International Gospel Centre once to express his gratitude for Dr. Paul Enenche support during the presidential campaign.

Dr. Paul Enenche Ministry

Dr. Paul Enenche Ministry is also involved into some various social work. According to the information from the Ministry official website, the church is responsible for health facilities, water supply, power supply, classroom supply in several parts of the country.

Dr. Paul Enenche as an author

Dr. Paul Enenche as an author

Dr. Paul Enenche wants to spread his word not only in the church but also via his books. He has already written about twenty books. Let`s take a look at the top 10 best of Dr. Paul Enenche books:

– 21 Laws of Life;

– Financial Wisdom;

– Who are you;

– The story of the glory;

– Wisdom of planning and time use;

– 15 kingdom strategies for survival;

– Reason for Living;

– 30 Secrets to the top;

– 10 Principal secrets of principal people

– 21 Uncommon keys to financial overflow.

From the titles of the books, you can see that they are not all about God`s deeds. These books are mostly concentrated on self-development. It is clear that Dr. Paul wants to be a mentor for people`s life. He wants to give people the idea that everything can be changed of you are determined.

Dr. Paul Enenche Church

Dr. Paul Enenche Church

Why did he choose Dunamis as the name of his church? Dunamis is the Greek word for power. Dr. Paul believed that Dunamis could bring the idea of God`s power to his Ministry. According to him, the main idea of his ministry is to bring the glory of God to people of the Earth. Dr. Paul Enenche`s ultimate goal is to provide the word of God from his church to the people all over the world.

Dr. Paul Enenche Life Story

Dr. Paul Enenche Life Story

He was trained to be a man of science but decided to become a man of God. Nevertheless, his education and dedication helped him to create one of the biggest churches in Nigeria. In addition, it helped him to create a strong family with a wife and four children. Under his power, the Dunamis International Gospel Center continues to prosper.

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