– Chilling YouTube footage claiming world will end sooner goes viral
– According to the footage, the world will be destroyed by earthquake
– Evidence of why it will happen without fail have been revealed
– Over million people have watched the video just to be sure it’s not prank
A chilling YouTube video claiming that the world will finally come to an end on 31st May 2017 has emerged and not everyone is happy about it.
The video, dubbed ‘Endtime Signs: News and Conspiracy’, has since been viewed over million times (1,283,315 views as of today) by those who probably want to be sure this was not just another cruel prank.
“There have never been so many earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes. Does this mean the world will end soon?” the video poses a question, as it shows a creepy compilation of supposedly looming natural disasters.
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It will all be over on 31st May 2017.
The footage is in fact meant to make you panic, otherwise why would
What the video’s maker probably did was put together a few clips of natural disasters and drop some funny classical music in there to make it look and sound deadly.
The good news is that nobody seems to believe there will be no more earth after 31st May 2017. The bad news is that nobody knows for sure when the world will actually end, at least according to the holy book.
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The book of Matthew clarifies that no man knows day or hour when the world as you know it will finally come to an end. Therefore anyone claiming to know exact day or hour when the planet earth with all its belongings will cease to exist is definitely reading a different script.
So keep calm, guys!
Watch for yourself the really chilling video of how it will all end on 31st May:
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