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What should you know about LGBT rights?

What is gay? Gay – is the English adjective, which initially meant “carefree”, “happy”, “bright, theatrical”. Only at the end of the 17th century, the word began to acquire the sexual connotation in the English language. The meaning has been changed – “addicted to pleasures” and “indulging in luxury”. At the end of the 19th century, the term “gay life” or “carefree life” was widely used in the English language as euphemism for such word as prostitution and other forms of extramarital sexual behaviour.

gay - Nigerian

What is gay?

So, what is the meaning of gay nowadays? Since the 1960-1970s this word is usually used as a noun or an adjective, meaning same-sex sexual orientation — homosexuality. Not an official version is that the word gay is an acronym for guy alike you (a guy like you).

What is gay?

What is gay?

Funny, isn’t it? Instead, that would give a clear and absolutely precise name for these people, namely: fag – a male, experiencing sexual attraction to men, is obsessive replacement for “gay”, a word that no longer means “a man who is experiencing sexual attraction to the man, but means “same-sex sexual orientation”. Feel the difference? The meaning is the same, but there is no longer a negative connotation. In some countries these gay people have already been accepted and have their special rights.

READ ALSO: Gay beaten to death in Ondo State

The expression “human rights” has become a familiar and widespread – you can hear it from the politicians, journalists, human rights defenders and representatives of humanitarian organizations in very different contexts and situations. Despite this, most ordinary people do not understand the meaning of the word and very concept of human rights.

LGBT rights

What is gay?

Speaking about LGBT rights, you should pay attention to several basic principles:

1. LGBT rights are human rights. Their basis is the respect for the dignity and uniqueness of each person as an individual.

2. LGBT rights should not be confused with basic needs. LGBT people often hear cues like: “We do not forbid you to sleep with each other than you are unhappy?” The ability to have sex without the threat of punishment does not mean that human rights are respected.

3. LGBT rights, as well as human rights, should be discussed in the context of relations “state – personality”. If a person has a certain right or freedom, the state is obliged to ensure the possibility of this right or liberty to use it. For example, the right to education means that the government guarantees access to education, develops educational programs, prepares teaching staff, etc.; the state creates a system of education and is developing regulations governing its functioning. Freedom of peaceful Assembly means that peaceful Assembly can conduct every person, and the state has no right to limit the exercise of this freedom on certain grounds. The state should ensure equal access and non-discrimination in all spheres of life.

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What is gay?

4. LGBT rights, like human rights generally, may be limited, but only in the manner provided by law, which is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security and public peace, to prevent disorder and crime, protection of health and protection of the rights and freedoms of others. Unreservedly, without any exception, must be complied with the prohibition of torture, slavery and servitude.

5. If the LGBT person has a particular right, there should be procedures for its implementation. The existence of a right implies the possibility of claims or appeal in the event of a law breach, otherwise the right remains an empty Declaration for LGBT community – gays and lesbians.

READ ALSO: 7 hidden signs of a gay Nigerian guy

6. LGBT rights / human rights are applied to everybody and it doesn’t dependent on compliance with human laws or other circumstances. It is impossible to deprive of the rights, as well as not to suspend them. If a person breaks the law, he or she can be punished.

Concluding remarks on LGBT rights as human rights, we should pay attention on the problem of realization of rights. “Eligible” means able to claim, to demand from the authorities the implementation of law – it is not enough for this to have only the definition of these rights in the law. LGBT community and their legal representatives should know what are the rights and what you need to ensure compliance with it.

Lgbt community

What is gay?

Respect for human rights and, accordingly, the rights of representatives of all minorities must be provided by the state.

The topic of equal rights for LGBT people in this context is a cornerstone, because a positive attitude towards homosexual and transgender people are contrary to the conservative worldview – the so-called “traditional values.” This is what successfully manipulated by politicians, right-wing groups and religious leaders seeking to gain power and increase their influence on public opinion. Education critical thinking and respect for diversity can be destructive forces, which are approved, based on social stereotypes and prejudice.

The concept of traditional values assumes the immutability of certain social ideals, norms and rules of behavior. But in different regions and at different times the rules and regulations differ. Beating people with stones and other violent practices were common in some communities. Is it possible to take such “traditional values”? Why do we consider normal opposition “their” and “alien”, “bad” and “good”, “black” and “white”? After all, our world is much more diverse.



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