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Ultimate Cycler founder denies his Ponzi scheme is dead, pushes new offer to members (see evidence)

Ultimate Cycler was considered to be the biggest competition MMM had in Nigeria. While the news of MMM not paying its participants is yet to be totally absorbed by Nigerians who have invested in the money doubling scheme, this same condition was reported for Ultimate Cycler.

Ultimate Cycler founder and CEO denies his Ponzi scheme is dead, invites people to invest massively

Peter Wolfing, founder and CEO of Ultimate Cycler, denies his Ponzi scheme is dead.

The alleged crash of MMM in Nigeria affected every other Ponzi scheme in Nigeria as people became skeptical about investing in the other schemes. Those who were about investing reclined into their shells and held on to their money as they were unsure if the invested amounts will ever be recorded.

While Ultimate Cycler is completely different from MMM, it is perceived to be in the same category with the latter since they are both money doubling schemes even though their terms and conditions are different.

The purported news of the crash of Ultimate Cycler has reached Peter Wolfing, the founder of the scheme who took to his social media page to debunk news of the crash. While at it, he encouraged members to invest massively as they would get their profit within the specified time.

Wolfing talked briefly about his scheme without leaving out the important details that will help him market his brand. The 4-year-old scheme has over 1.6 million global members and is considered to be a working program.

The scheme has upgraded its site and has installed ecommerce products to the product line in order to make it a world-class site. There are plans for the money-doubling venture to open both the $5 and $10 kickstart levels without an admin fee.

He charged the members to get their team ready and join before others. He promised to provide more info on the scheme if people show interest.

Having the chance to chat with the owner of Ultimate Cycler on Facebook was pleasant; aspiring members also gained the confidence they needed to join the scheme. Old members opened up on their fears and concerns while they related with Wolfing.

Find below the initial post made by Wolfing to discard the rumour of the scheme crashing:

Ultimate Cycler founder and CEO denies his Ponzi scheme is dead, invites people to invest massively

A screenshot of Peter Wolfing’s message to Ultimate Cycler members and aspiring members.

After posting this, Nigerians and many other people from across the world responded. Find their reactions below:

1. A Nigerian declared his love for the scheme

Ultimate Cycler founder and CEO denies his Ponzi scheme is dead, invites people to invest massively

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2. An old member pleaded for the scheme to be made what it was before

Ultimate Cycler founder and CEO denies his Ponzi scheme is dead, invites people to invest massively

3. Another Nigerian begged for UC to be upgraded

Ultimate Cycler founder and CEO denies his Ponzi scheme is dead, invites people to invest massively

4. Many Nigerians are interested in this scheme

Ultimate Cycler founder and CEO denies his Ponzi scheme is dead, invites people to invest massively

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5. An old member pledged his interest on the condition that he will get paid this time

Ultimate Cycler founder and CEO denies his Ponzi scheme is dead, invites people to invest massively



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