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The victims of the pyramids – Can Nigerians return their money from MMM?

Sergey Mavrodi has become famous again. After several attempts to repeat the success of the financial pyramid of MMM in Russia, he has gone to Africa. And he has created an unexpected furor there. People didn’t even know how MMM Nigeria works but brought huge sums were hoping to become rich and get easy money. But now participants of the pyramid don’t receive huge sums of money as it was noted before. So has MMM crashed in Nigeria?

Has MMM crashed in Nigeria

Has MMM crashed in Nigeria?

Have MMM crash in Nigeria?

‘The financial apocalypse is inevitable. Together we can do a lot of things’ – Mavrodi repeats at the end of each video on the channel ‘MMM-South Africa’.

According to the website of MMM, the pyramid works at least in five African countries now: Kenya, Republic of South Africa, Uganda, Nigeria, and Ghana. Nearly 10 million people have entrusted the money to Mavrodi, having believed his promises. The company has promised 30% of the income from each invested dollar in month – bring more friends, and you will get more profits.

The first residents of the Republic of South Africa have scented a dirty trick when they wanted to return the money. In 2016, the pyramid of MMM has failed there, having left 2 million deceived investors. But this experience hasn’t confused neighbors at all. The pursuit of the high percent has gained such scope that even priests were engaged in advertising of a pyramid and appeals to deposit funds in it in Nigeria.

But now the turn of Nigerians has come. The founder and the head of Nigerian branch of MMM have left the country together with the spouse a month ago. All accounts of the company are frozen. In a year the Nigerian branch has organized collecting about 5 billion Nairas (about $16 million). The website of the company has overtaken Facebook in popularity. And a total number of investors of MMM in Nigeria have exceeded 3 million people. Now, these 3 million organize meetings and demand from the government to punish the traitor. And someone even tries to send magic of the voodoo on offenders. Generally, people use all retaliatory means.

President of the public organization ‘Nigerian Society’: ‘Many people say: if we see Mavrodi — we will kill him’. So has MMM crashed in Nigeria like in other countries?

Journalists asked a question ‘Can MMM crash?’ the Nigerian President of the organization, who lives in St. Petersburg, Russia, long ago. He invested the MMM in the 90th in Russia. And when MMM has appeared in Nigeria, Suberu tried to warn his friends.

‘Mavrodi wasn’t in Nigeria. But he was shown on TV, and people showed how his business prospers in Russia. But I said to all my friends that it’s not a good business. But nobody has listened to me’.

Nigerian propagandists provided people with food, distributed a generous ration to compatriots, and fed with stories about success secret further. The authorities have made out a dirty trick quickly: The Central Nigerian bank threatened, the parliament demanded, the government warned, but the population continued to buy pyramid ‘money’. Rumors have spread: it’s only rich men officials prevent people from becoming rich. People took away money from banks and brought them to Mavrodi.

But even now Mavrodi says that a present

Nigerian crisis is not a crash at all, but a temporary pause and payments will be resumed soon if people really believe in MMM.

READ ALSO: MMM Nigeria releases new guidelines for participants in 2017

MMM crashed

Has MMM crashed in Nigeria?

READ ALSO: Real reason MMM Nigeria was frozen

Did MMM crash? – The mail of representatives

However, representatives of MMM Nigeria have convinced Nigerians to remain quiet as they have frozen all accounts only to guarantee the stability of the scheme to prevent MMM crash.

The system responsible for Providing Help (PH) and Getting Help (GH) also guaranteed that there is no reason for concern and that soon help would be given to all Nigerians who have invested money.

They have also told that accounts of Nigerians will continue to grow for 50%. They have written it on the official site of MMM to prevent all disorders of Nigerians. Here what they have written: ‘Good morning Mavrodians. The things that you see in a pyramid at the moment are actions to protect MMM from danger. In December media told many different gossips about the destruction of a pyramid. They said that MMM crashes in Lagos. It has really destroyed the system. The country leaders have entered plots with financial institutions to destroy the system. In this regard, we have been forced to freeze accounts that money wasn’t gone anywhere. We can guarantee that all mavros in the system are in safety until they are frozen. Those people who have money in the system shouldn’t return them back as at freezing stage it is impossible. For all of us, it is a temporary measure to save system, and economy of system saves our money. It is some kind of precautionary measure taken to prevent the threat. Thus, our mavros are in safety. I understand those people who want to return their money. However, it is worth suffering and everything will return to a bigger size. Don’t forget that this is your safety. Further payments are guaranteed, and you just should stock up with patience to receive money. It is better to save system than to lose everything. Let’s be more optimistic. Let’s protect our community’.

This message was sent by Nigerian Chiefs of the company MMM in Nigeria.


Despite everything that is told by representatives of MMM, it is difficult to guarantee that Nigerians will get the refund. Based on the experience of the previous countries, they all simply became victims of swindlers, as it was in Russia. Now the population of the country should treat their money more carefully and not seek to receive easy money.



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