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No one marched when Boko Haram killed thousands in Nigeria – American journalist blasts anti-Trump protesters

– Anti-Trump protesters have been blasted for their hypocrisy by an American journalist

– The journalist claimed that nobody protested when Boko Haram killed thousands of people in Nigeria

– He also claimed that over a quarter of a million people died in Syria during Obama’s time in office but nobody did anything about it

No one marched to the White House when Boko Haram killed thousands in Nigeria, American blasts anti-Trump protesters

President Trump has caused a lot of protest following his executive order which ban some people from 7 Muslim countries from entering America

Justen Charters, a deputy editor and commentator for Independent Journal Review, has blasted those who are demonstrating across the US over the recent executive order placing a temporary ban on seven Muslim-dominated countries by President Trump.

READ ALSO: Anger as Trump’s first military action kills eight-year-old Anwar al-Awlaki’s daughter, 30 others

According to the journalist, many people protesting the ban are hypocrites.

No one marched to the White House when Boko Haram killed thousands in Nigerians, American blasts anti-Trump protesters

Thousands of students protesting against President Donald Trump

He said none of those protesting came out to protest against the rampage of Boko Haram in Nigeria and other atrocities over the world.

“When Boko Haram came through Nigeria like a battering ram and took over village after village, beheading innocents and burning and pillaging, where were you? Were you calling Congress and telling them we can’t stand for this? Were you out in the streets in the thousands? I think not,” he said

His full statement as posted on his Facebook page read:

“To all the anti-Trump protesters who are trying to take the moral high ground,

“President Obama was in office when genocide was happening in Syria. Assad crossed the ‘red line’ on multiple occasions, and Obama continued to talk tough but did nothing.

“Over a quarter of a million people died in Syria during Obama’s time in office. He didn’t go after Assad. I didn’t see a massive crowd of you at the White House protesting. Women, children, dying. Sarin gas attacks, war crimes. Where were you? Where were your signs?

“When James Foley, Steven Sotloff, Adam Kassig and Kayla Mueller were all murdered by ISIS, where were your candlelight vigils? Where were the huge crowds for the innocents who were killed? I must have missed them.

“When Boko Haram came through Nigeria like a battering ram and took over village after village, beheading innocents and burning and pillaging, where were you? Were you calling Congress and telling them we can’t stand for this? Were you out in the streets in the thousands? I think not.

“You care about Sudan? Genocide has been taking place on and off again in Sudan since 2003. Did you march against the murders? Did you scream at the top of your lungs for humanity and for Bush or Obama to do something after an estimated 300,000 died? No.

“And Yemen, since when did you care about Yemen, children having been starving in mass in Yemen for years. Their emaciated bodies, their sunken eyes. I don’t recall you marching against those injustices either.

“Were you out in force when ISIS ran through Iraq and was killing people in the thousands? Beheading families, burning people alive. I don’t remember an Anti-ISIS protest at the White House at the time. I don’t remember thousands showing up for innocently murdered Iraqis.

“But now you’re out at the White House, telling people that you care about these people. Doubtful. You’re out there right now because it’s become popular. You want to be part of the crowd. Too bad you stayed silent when you could have actually made a difference.”

Meanwhile, Nora, an eight-year-old girl was among 30 civilians, 10 women and children reportedly killed in President Trump’s first military order.

The late girl was the daughter of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American al-Qaeda leader killed in a US strike ordered by President Obama five years ago



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