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NARACLE, the ponzi scheme that is presumed to be better than MMM

MMM, the most prominent Ponzi scheme in Nigeria, has been faced with a lot of difficulties in recent times. The money-doubling scheme is perceived to have lost its relevance as it can no longer assure its members.

See the ponzi scheme that is presumed to be hotter than MMM

Naracle is the latest ponzi scheme in town, it is reported to be better than MMM by far

Participants have had a difficult time getting help in the past few weeks. Many of them were told to provide help in order to get their invested money out. Even with this condition, the scheme has been unable to pay their members.

Thousands of Nigerians are befuddled with this development as their beloved Ponzi scheme chose this time to crash when other schemes are starting to spring up. The recent money-doubling scheme that has hit the town is Naracle Ponzi scheme.

Naracle is considered to be the fastest and easiest peer to peer donation system where a one-time donation of N1,500 will help participants get over N40,000 in two levels. The sign-up fee is N1,500 for this new scheme.

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Four people will be merged to pay the start-up sum and this will give the main man a total of N6,000. The second level is attainable when participants pay N2,500 and earn N40,000 from those down the line.

Check out the features of

Naracle below:

1. It requires a low start-up fee of N1,500

2. The spill over system is perfect, participants are allowed to earn directly from their sponsors

3. There is no scam with this newly emerged scheme

4. Every member is allowed to earn, no one is left unpaid with the scheme

5. Those down the line are added on the ‘first pay first served’ basis, those who pay first stand a chance of getting paid quickly.

6. The scheme uses a transparent system where the participants can see how those under them are performing.

Prospective participants are advised not to register if they do not have the starting capital. Unpaid users are deactivated after 12 hours of defaulting.

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Participants are advised to wait for their sponsor’s call before making payment. The call will be made by the new member joining. The information fields should be well filled in order to avoid errors and payment issues.



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