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How to lose weight? – Top 10 Nigerian diets

A lot of women would like to know whether there actually is an effective diet for a quick weight loss? Or is it just a myth and a trick of dietary supplements manufacturers? Meanwhile, there are moments in life when you need to get into your favorite shorts or instantly transform before the most important celebration in the life. Is there a useful Nigerian weight loss diet plan in this case? Definitely yes!

Tips on how to lose weight

Nigerian weight loss diet plan

Tips on how to lose weight

Tips on how to lose weight

Nigerian weight loss diet plan

When choosing a diet for quick weight loss, do not forget about the following weight loss tips:

  • choose the diet, the main product of which is available to you, because most rapid and effective diets are mono-diet, which are built on a single product;
  • the foods should be tasty for you, or being on a diet will be very difficult;
  • for a more comfortable losing weight choose a diet, in which all dishes are easy to prepare. You should spend less time in the kitchen in order not to be tempted to eat.

From proven diets for quick weight loss, you can pay attention to:

  • all kinds of mono diets;
  • variations of a kefir diet;
  • the diet of celebrities, such as Hollywood diet;
  • popular protein diet (and its variations – Dukan Diet, low-carb diet).

10 Most popular Nigerian diets for weight loss

diets for weight loss

Nigerian weight loss diet plan

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Hollywood diet is popular among overseas stars, it lasts two weeks, during which you can reduce weight by an average of 7 kg. It is necessary to monitor the amount of sugar, salt, and fat in the diet, to remove the bread completely.

Cabbage Soup Diet is considered to be very effective: during 7 days you can lose up to 5 kg. The menu is very tasty, but it does not contain fats, except in small amounts.

The Japanese diet can give a good result in weight loss (up to 8 kilos in two weeks). It is based on the use of seafood, but all meals should be prepared without salt.

Brazilian diet – the basis of it is vegetables, fruit, and vegetable soups. For seven days, you can lose up to 4 kilograms of fat.

weight loss diet plan

Nigerian weight loss diet plan

Interval or three-day diet. It lasts 9 days and is divided into three phases. On the third day, you eat rice, potatoes, and vegetables. You can drink only clean water. You can lose up to 7-9 kg, but you need to be careful and watch out for your health.

Buckwheat diet usually lasts one or two weeks, during which you can lose about 4-8 kilograms. During the whole period, you eat buckwheat, pre-filled with hot water.

Soup Diet is based on a variety of soups, including soup and puree. The main thing that this soup should not be made from potatoes or legumes and should not contain butter and spices, bread should also be excluded. A little salt is allowed. Duration – 7 days, the weight loss – up to 4 kilograms.

weight loss

Nigerian weight loss diet plan

Top models diet for 3 days period; you can lose 3, sometimes 5 kg. Diet is considered to be severe, as you eat only one egg and 300g of cottage cheese a day, do not dine and drink only water.

Kefir diet lasts for 7 days and it is possible to lose 4-5 kg. Every day you drink half a liter of low-fat yogurt and that’s all.

Diet with freshly squeezed juices will provide rapid weight loss, but it is not easy to sustain. Freshly squeezed juice from oranges, grapefruits, and lemons should be drunk three times a day. The rest of the time you should drink water. Usually, diet lasts about 3 days, and you can lose up to 3 kilos.

Nigerian diet for flat stomach

Nigerian diet for flat stomach

Nigerian weight loss diet plan

Among the great variety of diets, there is the most rapid and effective express diet that has been created for quick weight loss. It lasts up to 5 days. During it, the amount of food is greatly reduced and dinner is completely excluded. It may also be a mono-diet, which is built

on a single product.

The most relevant diets for a flat stomach are the buckwheat, kefir and rice diets. Rice diet, moreover, helps to cleanse the body of toxins, giving you not only a flat stomach but a thinner waist.

What foods should you add to the diet for a flat stomach?

fibrous food

Nigerian weight loss diet plan

The fibrous food

If time does not play a special role for you and you do not want to follow a strict diet to get a flat stomach, pay attention to the fibrous foods. Such food fills the stomach, blunting hunger, but it does not cause adverse side effects such as bloating or constipation. The basis of the diet for a flat stomach should be made on vegetables, fiber-rich cereals, brown rice, legumes, apples, cucumbers, zucchini, various greens, seaweed. Use these products to make a delicious menu.

Is it possible to add fiber foods artificially? You can, of course, but- if you eat normal food, there is no point in eating it. In any case, if you decide to do so, start to take it in small doses and drink more water.


tasty fruit

Nigerian weight loss diet plan

Of course, a diet for a flat stomach necessarily includes fruits. The more – the better, but the fruit must be a separate dish and not an addition to a plate of porridge. The best way to get a flat stomach is to eat apples and pears or grapefruits and oranges. Do not interfere fruit with other dishes, eat it alone, for breakfast with yogurt (eating an apple or pear) and drinking an afternoon tea (one grapefruit or orange), for example.


Protein foods

Nigerian weight loss diet plan

Proteins – an essential element for proper metabolism. Therefore, the diet for a flat stomach needs a good piece of fish with vegetables at least twice a week for lunch. Once a week – white chicken meat, orange and two egg whites will become an excellent dinner. Add nuts and seeds, which contain oil and vegetable protein that are useful for the body. However, you cannot eat a lot of them, it is bad for kidneys, add about 50 grams of product per day to your diet for a flat stomach.

Salads and oil

salads and oil

Nigerian weight loss diet plan

A few words about oils – you should add oil instead of mayonnaise to your salads. Of course, you use a diet to get a flat stomach. This is primarily olive oil, but refined vegetable oil can be used too. The best salads in order to remove belly fat and make it flat are the vegetable ones.

Another tip to make a flat stomach is to try to use such a diet for the belly, where you need to eat frequently but in small portions. For example, eat five or six times a day having tiny portions.

diet plan

Nigerian weight loss diet plan

The variety of diets makes it difficult to choose the most rapid and effective method for losing weight. How to lose weight? Often, nutritionists advise to choose more than one specific mono-diet, but series of one-day (sometimes three days) mono-diets.

But before you start following any diet, you should consult your doctor for contraindications. It is also important to remember that ‘the going out’ of any diet should be gradual. Otherwise, all the lost kilos will come back very quickly.

Nigerian weight loss plan

Nigerian weight loss diet plan

Perhaps you will find our list of effective diets not full enough. Then you can add the pumpkin diet, nourishing and easy-to-handle chicken diet and useful for the organism cottage cheese diet. Now you definitely have a chance to choose the most suitable one!

Nigerians want to be fit and stay healthy! Which diet would you choose?

READ ALSO: 14 health benefits of mango



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