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BREAKING: More trouble as Donald Trump creates new enforcement policy for US immigration

President Donald Trump of the United States has strengthened the country’s immigration policies amid tension and mass protest against the ban on citizens of some Islamic countries.

Donald Trump again strengthens US policies against immigrants to the US

Donald Trump does not seem to relent on his executive order against immigrants

The Washington Post reports that the new guidelines “call for the hiring of thousands of additional enforcement agents, expanding the pool of immigrants who are prioritized for removal, speeding up deportation hearings and enlisting local law enforcement to help make arrests.”

The report said the guidelines are intended to help ease the implementation of a pair of executive actions Trump signed in January adding that the “policies represent a sharp break from the final years of the (Barrack) Obama administration and could reverse a sizable reduction in the number of deportations that occurred toward the end of President Barack Obama’s time in office.”

But the administration of Trump reportedly made attempts on Tuesday, February 21 to douse growing fears about the ban on some immigrants into the country.



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