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8 'stupid' questions most Nigerian men always ask, and ladies find them annoying

Many of us have either asked or have been asked a dumb question at least once in our life. A lot of times, some people ask questions that can make you want to kick them and you are wondering what sort of question is this.

Really, there are some questions that should not be asked. If you’ve got nothing to say, it’s better to keep quiet than ask something dumb.

Women ask stupid questions and so do men. These questions aren’t only stupid but can be ‘soooo’ annoying.

Apparently, some men ask these questions because they have nothing to say and just want to keep the conversation going, others want to keep tabs on you, and some others out of inquisitiveness.

A lot of Nigerian ladies complain about the endless ‘stupid’ questions they get asked and how annoying they can be. There are some questions you should never ask a lady who doesn’t have a close relationship with you, who is just an acquaintance and is not even that into you.

Below is a list of dumb questions women keep complaining about. Some of these questions may not seem like a big deal but they are a big deal to some women. So men take caution, these questions are not proof that you care.

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Don’t get us wrong. If the guy has a close relationship with the lady, sure, these questions won’t be a big deal. She won’t mind answering them. But when you are some random guy she’s just getting to know, then be sure that these questions will be a bit annoying to her.

1. Have you eaten?

This is the number one most annoying question ever. Why ask a lady if she has eaten when it’s not like you want to get her food. You answer yes and the next thing he’s asking what you ate. You answer no and he asks why like he cares when he really doesn’t.

2. Did you dream of me?

Oh no, she didn’t. Most random guys ask ladies these questions and it gets on their nerves. What would be her reason for dreaming about you? It’s not like the both of you are close. You answer no, then he wants to know why. You try to make him happy and lie, saying yes, then he wants to know what you dreamt about.

3. What are you doing?


chatting with you on the phone and you’re asking what she’s doing. Isn’t it obvious?

4. Where are you?

You’re not her father, her husband, fiancé or even boyfriend, why are you interested in where she is? Really, if you’re nothing to her, you shouldn’t be asking her where she is or who she’s with. It really is none of your business.

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5. Why didn’t you reply my pings immediately?

She didn’t reply because she doesn’t want to. A lot of times, ladies ignore your messages when you ask one of these dumb questions. At other times, it’s because they had more important things to do or they were not with their phone, which is obviously not a part of their body. You should be grateful she even bothered to reply.

6. Why are you single?

Is that even supposed to be a question? Please you shouldn’t ask such questions. It’s quite annoying

7. Are you a virgin?

This is one of the most stupid questions a guy could ever ask a lady. It’s not only dumb but damn right rude. That’s an intimate and personal question and a random guy shouldn’t be asking a lady such. How will her being a virgin or not help your life. She could decide to lie about it.

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8. Have you cum?

Every sexually active girl on earth has once being asked this question. Some ladies will lie just so they don’t hurt his ego. Some will pretend to have cum even when they haven’t.



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