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7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing (Photos)

We encounter stress, almost everyday of our life, but that doesn’t necessarily imply that you can’t do something about it.

If you have been pondering over methods to relieve some stress out, then acupressure is an amazing alternative to go for.

According to Medical tips guide, acupressure has proven to help with a number of problems such as bodily pain, body ache, headache and a lot more issues.

Below are some fantastic ways in getting rid of your stress, using acupressure

1. Where the index finger meets the thumb

Spot the highest point in your muscle at which your index finger and thumb are adjoined. Now, massage it for four to five seconds. This technique will help you out in relieving facial pain, toothaches, headaches, neck pain and stress.

7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing

7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing

2. Where the middle finger meets the back

Massaging the point with your middle finger and thumb will make you feel better and assist you with bodily aches as well as stress.

7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing

7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing

3. Between the toe and the in-step

Applying pressure at this point will help you to treat a number of issues such as anxiety, limb pain, high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, insomnia, stress and lower back pain.

7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing

7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing

4. Back head, just off the neck

Apply some pressure with your thumb in following the mastoid (ear) bone down where skull attaches to the neck muscle.

7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing

7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing

5. Beneath the knee

This point is a wonder spot helping you in relieving fatigue, stress, gastrointestinal discomfort, vomiting and nausea.

7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing

7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing

6. Upper ear

According to experts, this is one of the most stress relieving points in human body.

7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing

7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing

7. Outside the rib cage

Freeing the diaphragm and chest, this point improves the entire breathing process.

7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing

7 magical points on your body you never take note of, what happens when you press them is mind blowing



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