Muslims have been plagued with the ‘terrorist’ title in recent times because of the activities of terrorist groups. Millions of people across the world know terrorists to be Muslims when in fact, all Muslims are not terrorists.
Not all Muslims are terrorists, put an end to this hatred.
Although the activities of terrorist groups cannot be overlooked, it will be unfair for the world to limit terrorism to a religious group. This misconception will only make things go awry since Muslims will never accept to being at fault because some perpetrators of evil want to operate under the umbrella of the religion.
Islam is being preached to be a religion of peace; it is rather unfortunate that some disillusioned individuals prefer to be tagged Muslims when they are not on par with the code of conduct of the religion.
Islam is a religion of peace, many Muslims want peace to reign.
Muslims all over the world are going through a difficult phase now because the wars fought in different parts of the world have something to do with them. They feel it is unfair for them to get blamed for all the bad things happening simply because that is their religion.
Women who wear hijab are being suspected to be bombers while men with long beards are terrorists scouting an area. Many Muslims feel terrible with the new identity the world has given them. And to make matters worse, they are expected to hold press conferences and apologise for every bombing.
Find below the reasons Muslims will never apologise for terrorism:
1. Muslims are victims too
Has it occurred to you that Muslims are a major target for the terrorists? Mosques get blown from time to time and innocent people worshipping God die in the process.
Reports gotten from the Counter Terrorism Center at the United States Military Academy revealed that Al-Qaeda kills more Muslims than non-Muslims.
The UN also confirmed that Muslims are the largest victims of ISIS. On this note, Muslims will never apologise for terrorism because they suffer a worse fate. They receive the hatred attached to terrorism even though they bear the brunt the most.
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2. Muslims fight terrorism too
Many people do not know what Muslims go through standing against terrorists who are being unjust. Thousands of Muslims state their opinions even though it may cost them their lives.
It is ridiculous being asked to tender an apology for terrorism when they are being persecuted by people who claim to share their faith.
Muslims also want to defeat terrorism and make everyone live
Muslim scholars across the world have denounced this group using Islamic terms that will make them understand better. The ISIS is not un-Islamic according to many Muslims.
Making them apologise for the activities of the terrorists can be likened to making a doctor apologise for someone having an infection. If you cannot blame a fire outbreak on the firemen, then Muslims will not apologise on behalf of terrorists.
3. They condemn terrorism
Muslims are starting to denounce being in association with terrorists. They justify this by saying the terrorists who are killing are not ‘true’ Muslims and should not be associated with them.
Since we are in an era where people have access to internet, you can check out the activities of Muslims who are fighting and condemning terrorism to be sure. Asking them to apologise for terrorism is making them confess to a crime they have not committed.
Muslims all over the world condemned the Paris attacks and the Boko Haram group indigenous to Nigeria.
But for those who still think Muslims all over the world are responsible for the killings in the world, it may take more than an apology from the religious group for the hatred in their hearts to get purged.
4. It is not fair
Muslims will never tender an apology for the sick activities of terrorists because they know what they believe in. Not every Muslim is a terrorist; they know what they believe and follow the doctrines of the holy book.
There is no page in the Quran where a law was passed for innocent people to get killed. Muslims want to live happily with everyone else without having to see any of the killings done by terrorists. Why then should they be made to apologise for a violence they have no link to?
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5. They have issues with certain things
Muslims will always take their stand against some things. None of them will tender this apology if that is what you are waiting for because they are not at fault.
White males are not being asked to apologise for the slavery treatment blacks were subjected to years back. The Buddhists have not been asked to seek forgiveness on behalf of Buddhist monks that attacked the Muslims in Mynammar.
Remember there is the ‘black lives matter’ issue on ground too, is it possible for all the policemen to be made to apologise for the racist cops that are killing unarmed blacks?
With all these in view, it will be pretty difficult to get Muslims to apologise for any crimes of terrorists simply because of the religion.
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