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4 reasons PDP brand cannot win election in 2019 – Dr Doyin Okupe

Dr Doyin Okupe, a chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) who served under former Presidents Olusegun Obasanjo and Goodluck Jonathan as spokesperson has given reasons why it would be difficult for the once acclaimed ‘biggest political party’ in Africa to win 2019 elections

4 reasons the PDP brand cannot win any election - Dr Doyin Okupe

According to Okupe, who spoke with Tribune, the PDP is heavily burdened and much of the burden is self-inflicted.

He accused that there was a grand error that started from the Obasanjo administration in party administration in the country.

Here are 4 reasons he gave which indicates the PDP brand cannot win any election

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1) There is a great error that started from the Obasanjo administration

“Only God knows what will happen to the PDP. I am not in the habit of lying even when it comes to public discourse. PDP is heavily burdened and much of the burden is self-inflicted. In the last administration, an error was committed. Before we disengaged after we lost the election, we should have straightened the leadership of the party. We did not do that and that was a fundamental error. This gave room for all comers and pretenders to the throne; people who have not even learnt the ABC of politics to become leaders in PDP. There is a grand error in party administration in the country and I think it started from the Obasanjo administration. Once you are a governor, you become the leader of the party. This is a fallacy.

2) When the PDP came, it brought this abnormal structure

It is not PDP alone. If one party is sick, all parties in the country will become sick. AD, AC, ACN never went that way before. During the Second Republic, the governors were subordinates in the parties. When I was in the NRC and the NEC of the party was going to meet, the governors waited outside for the communiqué of our meeting. But, when the PDP came, it brought this abnormal structure. Do you know that when APC came, governors of the party are leaders in their states?

That is a joke. It is politics of mercantilism. It is not going to work. If a governor contest an election and there are five people who slugged it out with him and he gets 35 per cent of the total votes, who made that governor the leader of the remaining 65 per cent?

3) PDP is indulging in an unnecessary arrogance that will further make it to fail

“From the time of Jonathan, the party has been extensively mauled, disparaged and destroyed within and outside this country by negative propaganda. And unfortunately, we were not able to sufficiently counter this propaganda. When Buhari’s government came, it finally buried the previous government and the party that brought that government to power. It will be impossible, except by the grace of God Almighty alone, to use the brand, PDP to win any election in the country again. PDP is indulging in an unnecessary arrogance that will further make it to fail.

4) We have been called thieves and all sorts of names

“We have not been able to say we are not thieves. All sorts of lies have been heaped and are still being heaped on us till tomorrow and we have not disabused the minds of Nigerians about these lies. We are waiting for election time, when we will tell Nigerians not to mind the APC people. Nobody is going to listen to us,” he said.

Meanwhile, presidential spokesperson, Garba Shehu says many people believe that Boko Haram would have taken over power if the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) had remained in power after 2015.

In the video below, a Nigerian man shed tears while lamenting the dire economic situation of the country.



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