Ideally, being a single lady should give you all the freedom you want without restriction.
You probably want to catch fun with friends, lots of freedom to make decisions and love to do things at your own pace. This freedom will only be a wish if you stay with your parents because these 11 instances will make you understand the struggle of most Nigerian single ladies.
1. When your mother is always asking ‘when will you marry?’
An upset lady
She keeps reminding you of how important her grandchildren are. Shouting about how she wants to see and carry her grandchildren.
2. When marriage becomes a do or die affair
A surprised lady
Nigerian mothers will not stop counting your younger sisters and cousins that have gotten married with kids.
3. When your freedom is restricted
You can not live on your own, to them it means you are irresponsible. Living with Nigerian mothers you are not free to eat what you want because you can’t dictate to her in her husband’s house.
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4. When house chores become your hobby
An angry lady
You will have to do all the chores since you have chosen to be single. You have to do all the chores to avoid trouble.
5. When every male friend becomes husband material
Immediately your male friend leaves, she begins to ask about your relationship status. Is he the Mr. Right we have been waiting for?
6. When aso-ebi brings up marriage discussion
You bring aso ebi home and your mom begins to ask when she will give your own aso-ebi to her friends. Other people’s aso-ebi will always remind her you are still a single lady.
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7. When you uncles, aunts become wedding bells prompters
They come on a visit and ask when are they going to wear aso-ebi. They even stress it out that when are they going to eat rice for your wedding.
8. When Saturdays become a memorable day
Every Saturday to you is ‘when will it be my turn?’
9. When you get to sew the latest design
As a single lady your closet is full of aso- ebi from friends’ wedding. You get to have the latest design because you buy all aso-ebi from friends and family’s wedding.
10. When your favourite book is ‘how to find/choose the right partner.’
11. When ‘the patient dog eats the fattest bone’ becomes your favourite quote
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