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Top 10 ☀ benefits of black seeds oil

The human skin is the largest organ in our body. It covers and protects us from different environment danger elements. Your skin has a lot of responsibilities. Therefore, you must learn how to protect it! Black seed is one of the best solutions to treat this problem! How to use black seed? Learn from the article!

Black seed oil

Black Seed Oil in Nigeria

Black Seed Oil in Nigeria

Black Seed or Nigella Sativa is filled with various beneficial elements. Take a look at the short list:

– Amino Acids;

– Omega 6 Acids;

– Omega 3 Acids;

– Vitamins;

– Super Foods;

– Minerals.

It has been known for centuries that black seed oil benefits are enormous. Even in ancient Egypt, people had a bottle filled with black seed oil. The women of Ancient Egypt believed that it could protect hair, skin, and nails from the sun.

use black seed oil on your skin

You should thank Nigella Flower for the majestic properties of black seeds. You can find this flower in North Africa, Asia, and South Europe. Nigerians began to use this majestic flower in a colonial period. Still, there are historical facts, that elite class of Nigerian society before the GB colonization – also used black seeds.

Benefits of Black seed oil

Benefits of Black seed oil!

It`s a good source of various exclusive cure properties. Black seeds have the following properties:

– Anticoagulant;

– Anti-histamine;

– Anti-fungal;

– Anti-inflammatory;

– Antiviral;

– Anti-asthmatic;

– Anti-cancer;

– Anti-oxidant.

This is not an exhaustive list of all the black seeds oil uses! Just take a look at the short list of non-skin diseases that black seeds cure:

– Heart Health;

– Reduce allergies;

– Kill infections;

– Increase fertility rates;

– Increase your hair health;

– Reduce fever and flu symptoms;

– Treat Asthma;

– Treat Indigestion;

– Illuminates insomnia;

– Reduces and prevents spasms;

– Can cure a toothache;

– Prevent Diabetes.

This is a brief list of the non-skin diseases that can be treated by black seeds oil! Now, let`s take a look at the skin diseases!

Black Seed Oil for Skin

Black Seed Oil for Skin

Where can you get black seeds oil? It`s processed from Nigella Sativa, and you can buy it on the internet for now. You can also extract oil from seeds by yourself but you need a compressor for that. Some beauty experts also advice to mix the oil with some honey and then apply on the skin. As for how to use black seed oil! Just apply it on the damaged area of your skin.

Black Seed Oil Benefit – Top 10

Black Seed Oil Benefit – Top 10

1. Eczema treatment

1. Eczema treatment

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class="align-left">Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. It usually leaves red and itchy patches. Black seed oil can provide fantastic nutrient elements that can eliminate the red patches on your skin. In addition, it will help to keep your skin healthy!

2. Psoriasis treatment

It`s a skin condition where you notice pink plaques on your body. These plaques do not give you any comfort as they can be quite itchy! You might also find yourself feeling embarrassed if anyone sees your pink plaques. Why don`t you use black seed oil to fight the problem! Just apply it every day, and soon you will see the results!

3. Acne Treatment

3. Acne Treatment

Acne is a nightmare for teenagers! Even adults often suffer through it. Why does it happen? There can be various reasons including an unsavoury environment or just allergy to something! Also, acne can be a symptom of hormonal imbalance. You can try to apply black seeds on your acne, but you may need to consult a dermatologist first!

4. Burns Treatment

Depending on the level of burns, black seeds oil can treat them. Still, do not overestimate the potential healing effects of black seed oil. Studies only show that it`s safe to apply the oil only on second-degree burns or less. According to Diamond Herbs, due to the anti-inflammatory properties, black seeds can help to regenerate the epidermis.

5. Fungal Treatment

5. Fungal Treatment

It`s a common infection caused by dermatophytes. One of the black seed oil benefits is its anti-fungal properties. Therefore, it can help to treat various fungal infections, like jock itch, ringworm, athletes foot and nail infections.

6. Ring Worm Treatment

It`s another fungal infection that can be easily treated with the oil. Do not forget to apply black seeds oil several times a day. After a few weeks, you will get the desirable results!

7. Bruises Treatment

Nobody is safe on this planet. You can easily get a bruise by bumping into something! Bruises happen when you damage your skin and blood cells! Due to the anti-inflammatory effects of the oil, you can easily get rid of bruises.

8. Rosacea Treatment

8. Rosacea Treatment

It`s a common issue forolder women. Rosacea does not look good on your face. It gives it an odd colour. Therefore, it`s very easy to be embarrassed by this skin disease. You can apply black seed oil on your face to decrease Rosacea effect.

9. Skin Cancer

9. Skin Cancer

Cancer is another great problem for humanity. So it`s best to prevent cancer than to fight it! Nigeria is one of the hottest countries in the world and sun is cruel to Nigerians. Too much sun can definitely damage your skin or increase your chances of getting cancer. Black seeds are the proven remedy against cancer. Still, do not use them as the only remedy. Follow your doctors` prescriptions to fight cancer.

10. Skin Complexion

Black Seed Oil is another great beauty product to restore your skin health. The natural qualities of the oil are so powerful that you can see the effect in just a few days!

Black Seed Oil Sides Effects

There is not enough evidence connected with black seeds oil sides effect. Most of the unpleasant cases happened due to the wrong dosage and misusage of the oil. Research is still ongoing, but no evidence of sides effects have been found. Nevertheless, it`s recommended to consult your doctor before using the oil!

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