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There is God o! Viral photo of Nigerian politician sharing money

Irrespective of the anti corruption crusade going on in Nigeria, alot is still being seen daily as regards fund management, fraud and other corrupt activities.

The level at which politicians handle the resources in their care is alarming but how do we curb it? A question this administration seems to not have found a solution to yet.

A picture of supposed commissioner for justice in Borno state, Hon. Kaka Shehu Lawan, allegedly sharing money to people for political purposes has come up on social media.

See this viral photo of Nigerian politicians sharing money

Hon. Kaka Shehu Lawan allegedly sharing money for politics

More money is being pictured on the floor

waiting to be shared. Although the purpose of the sharing hasn’t been confirmed, there is a roll up banner by the corner of the room with the inscription; “good thinking… GOOD PRODUCT” and the picture of an unconfirmed man on it.

It’s supected to be a campaign banner but for which office or election is yet to be ascertained.

Can you leave your job for whistle blowing? Watch people’s response in‘s video



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