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You won't believe how this man tricked his girlfriend when he proposed (photos)

Michael Albanese wanted to propose to his girlfriend, Sophia Penafiel and he made sure to do it in a surprising way. Sophia never respected what was coming.


Michael officiating the fake wedding.

He got one of her friends, Kerry, to act as a bride and another friend to act like the from and he would be the officiating minister at their fake wedding. He then invited Sophia to the wedding.

While he was talking about the importance of marital vows, he cut his speech and went down on bended knee and asked Sophia to marry him.

Michael told Dailymail: ‘Sophie was so surprised, ecstatic about her friends and family showing up, and she had no idea that anyone was really going to be there at all. She was so surprised for several hours afterward it was all she could talk about, saying, ‘You got me so good’.”

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Michael popped the question during the fake ceremony and Sophie said YES!

He added:“‘Her friends and family, they were pleased as punch with themselves. Sophia has had specific ideas about her dream wedding for years. I want her to have her dream wedding so there is no date yet until we figure out what it all will cost.”



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